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My plots page will not load

· Campaign manager ·
By Drakexop on 03/07/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

Whenever I click on the Plots tab in my campaign, I am immediately met with a HTTP ERROR 500 page. I have tested it in both Opera GX and Chrome and it doesn't work on either

Steps to Reproduce

No idea, I just click on my campaign then clicks plots and the error comes up.   I can click on every other tab but plots

Operating System





Dimitris @ 10 Mar, 2024 06:56:34 Assignee

Hey Drakexop   This means that one or more of your plots point to child plot as their parent. in other words you have created a circular reference. The page is trying to load a tree of plots and it finds it self in a never ending loop.   The way to solve this actually is pretty simple. Go to your plots and find out the circular reference and remove/change it so no parent will have a child as their parent.   I hope that makes sense!   Hot tip: In your Articles management under "Type" You can find a list of all your plots, this should make it easier to find.

Dimitris @ 10 Mar, 2024 06:56:38 Assignee
Assigned dimitris
Dimitris @ 10 Mar, 2024 06:56:43 Assignee
set this bug to closed