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PC can't be added to party

· Campaign manager ·
By Evil Atlas on 07/09/2024

A player character in our campaign disappeared from one of our parties after a different character was added. The character that was dropped still appears in the protagonists/PCs tab but does not appear in the dropdowns when we try to add it to a party or session.  

  We considered expelling and reinviting the character, but we don't want to mess up the character's links if we don't have to.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Have an editor try to add a protagonist NPC to a party. Get a 404 error. (Reason for error is unclear.)
  • Have a co-owner go in and add the protagonist NPC to the party. (It works this time.)
  • As the co-owner closes the party editing page and returns to the parties page, have them check if an existing PC spontaneously vanishes from the row of portraits under that party.
  • Operating System




    Related Entity

    Carver Fairbank


    Evil Atlas @ 09 Jul, 2024 01:06:53

    (For reference, Carver is the PC that disappeared and can't be added. The protagonist NPC is Solace-Within-Clay, not pictured.)

    Evil Atlas @ 19 Jul, 2024 02:38:47

    Update: Though the cause is unclear, it looks like Carver had somehow been added to the campaign PC list but not the world PC list. Or possibly he'd been dropped from the world PC list without apparent cause. Kicking him from the campaign and reinviting him only added him back to the campaign, not the world, so it didn't fix the problem.   We were able to fix the problem by going to the world PC page and giving the player the link from that page, which did successfully add Carver to the world PC list. This also worked for another character who was having the same issue. There must be something broken in the linking between world PCs and campaign PCs.