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Timeline Event Descriptions Not Saving/Syncing

· Timelines ·
By Erelam on 05/30/2024
· Assigned to annapap9
· Waiting for Response

I attempted to write descriptions for my events, and change one from last night, but it looks like the event descriptions on the timeline are not saving or syncing. When I changed the initial event about mortal cultures and reloaded the page, it still had the old description but no text in the event description box. I then tried to create a different event, the birth of the god Baal, and it saved the event, but not the description, anything typed in the text box disappears upon reloading. So I tried typing it into the full content box, and it saved, but didn't sync to appear when I hover over the event.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Type Description in Event Sidebar 2. Event Description Does Not Autosave 3. Type Description in Full Content Popup, It Saves but does not Sync to Event or 1. Erase Event Description and Type in New One 2. It does not save it, and still shows old description

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity


annapap9 @ 31 May, 2024 07:17:26 Assignee
Assigned annapap9
annapap9 @ 31 May, 2024 07:20:00 Assignee

Hey there! This issue was related to the alchemists branch and should be fixed now. Could you confirm this on your side?

annapap9 @ 31 May, 2024 07:20:08 Assignee
annapap9 Added tag Waiting for Response
Erelam @ 31 May, 2024 07:41:57

Seems to be working just fine now, much appreciated!

bphilippe @ 01 Jun, 2024 05:57:49

I had the same issue. It is working now on my side. Thanks

Dimitris @ 07 Jun, 2024 04:09:00 Developer
set this bug to closed