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User Interface: Sudden absence of top menu, left menu, and the bottom right corner buttons

· Other ·
By Jarissa on 04/11/2024
· Assigned to Xuroth
· Waiting for Response Done

I suddenly cannot access the User Interface on pages such as the Dashboard. This includes the top bar, the left column, and the floating buttons that ought to be in the bottom right.   I am reporting from fully updated Firefox on Window 11, but share experience with other users on other browsers and operating systems.   The top bar and left side bar appear per normal as loads, then vanish and cannot be accessed.   I have confirmed no browser extensions that might be involved.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open browser.
  3. Open World Anvil Dashboard link.
  5. Bewilderment.
  7. Check updates to browser. Check updates to operating system. Ask C. B. Ash if he has the same problem.
  9. Reboot anyway.
  11. Visit the "help" channel on World Anvil Discord, discover other user already discussing their experience of same problem. Seems to not be tied to operating system -- reports of Windows 10 and Apple iOS -- nor to browser.

Operating System




Related Entity

For reference: is an unlisted video a few seconds long that shows what happens when I hit "refresh".


I was able to use all as normal two hours before I made this bug report. While I was eating, a Windows Update took place. I had to reboot twice, and I rebooted a third time to be sure it was really done. Now I cannot access a significant part of the User Interface, as described above.


User "Kummer Wolfe", who is in the same real world room as me, tested on his own machine with Chrome and Firefox, all completely updated. He can see and access all parts of user interface with no trouble.


I have also tried zooming out so that my "zoom" was set down to 50%. I still cannot access the User Interface parts that are missing.


shyredfox @ 11 Apr, 2024 01:02:14

I too am having this issue. windows 10 chrome, firefox, edge. Ipad chrome and safari. I can't access WA images so including from Discord.

Dimitris @ 11 Apr, 2024 03:48:27 Developer
Assigned xuroth
Dimitris @ 11 Apr, 2024 06:19:34 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Done
Dimitris @ 11 Apr, 2024 06:19:46 Developer

Can we please have confirmation that this is fixed?

shyredfox @ 11 Apr, 2024 08:45:03

It’s fixed when viewing from my ipad. Am not at computer at the moment.

Dimitris @ 11 Apr, 2024 11:10:45 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Waiting for Response
shyredfox @ 11 Apr, 2024 04:46:53

IT's also fixed when viewing from my PC. Thank you! <3

Jarissa @ 11 Apr, 2024 05:40:25

Fixed for me as well on Windows 11 with Firefox! Thank you Xuroth, Dimitris, and all!

Dimitris @ 12 Apr, 2024 02:26:04 Developer
set this bug to closed