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World Export doesn't work

· Api ·
By Delegaruin on 05/18/2024

Hello and thank you for looking into this bug,   I went to, where I got linked from this website to export my world. I entered my mailadress and the API Token, which I copy pasted from I didn't set any world filters since I have only one World. I tried it several times with all checkboxes activated and once with only "include articles". It always says:   Job failed: pywaclient.exceptions.UnexpectedStatusException: (502, 'Bad Gateway', 'article/caa78232-4875-4641-b913-7d187d94c89f')   Maybe my world has too many articles so it crashed the backup?   Cheers, Cornelius

Steps to Reproduce

1. click World Settings 2. click World Configuration 3. click "Open Tools & Advanced Actions" on the right side of the webpage 4. click "Export World" and then "Export this World" 5. enter Google Mail Address 6. enter Authentication Token, which is linked here: 7. leave world filter empty 8. let checkboxes fully checked 9. press start   Maybe my world has too many articles so it crashed the backup?

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity

  This was the 4th or 5th try, I reduced the checkboxes to "Include Articles" only. With all checkboxes or "Include Articles" only - it always ran into the bad gateway error.


Delegaruin @ 18 May, 2024 09:03:06

I'm not necessarily sure why, but it works now. Ticket can be closed - thanks for your time

Dimitris @ 19 May, 2024 11:37:36 Developer
set this bug to closed