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Family tree fails to load

· Family trees ·
By blloydd2010 on 06/17/2024
· Assigned to Xuroth
· Waiting for Response

When loading any page with a family tree, it simply says "Loading Family Tree" without ever displaying it. This happens with family trees that are auto-generated for an organization as well as those from an embedded code on a page.

Steps to Reproduce

Click a page. It appears to load. It never appears.

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity


Dimitris @ 18 Jun, 2024 07:35:21 Developer

Hello there - is there any chance we can see this family tree? The page you pasted is not accessible by us

Dimitris @ 18 Jun, 2024 07:35:25 Developer
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 18 Jun, 2024 07:35:29 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Waiting for Response
Dimitris @ 18 Jun, 2024 07:36:37 Developer
Assigned xuroth
@ 18 Jun, 2024 04:16:35

I've made my world public so the page should be accessible now. Sorry, I thought I had already done so.

blloydd2010 @ 18 Jun, 2024 04:17:16

I've made my world public so the page should be accessible now. Sorry, I thought I had already done so. - sorry for the double post, I logged out to make sure I could actually navigate to the page and commented before logging back in.

Xuroth @ 18 Jun, 2024 05:26:48 Assignee

Thanks for clearing that up. It looks like the tree is failing to load because it's not seeing any characters when trying to load the relationships data. This can happen if there are no characters in the world or if you have a family member that is a child of another character that is also set as an ancestor of that character (ie, a character is their own grandparent or great-grandparent)   Double check all the characters in the world to make sure one is not set as their own ancestor somehow (this might be tedious to do, but if it was working previously and you recently adjusted relationships for some characters, start with those)

blloydd2010 @ 18 Jun, 2024 06:13:34

Is there a reason that every family tree on this world is not loading? Even those with just one character?

blloydd2010 @ 18 Jun, 2024 06:26:36

Looking at just that family, everything is in order. Nobody is their own ancestor. However, this issue is with every family tree on this world. I created a second one and made a family, but it worked just fine. So, I don't know what else to do.