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Pop Ups for markers on maps don't show links outside of the editor view, even though they're public, and they link to the wrong article

· Maps ·
By Atlantiasp on 07/17/2024

I love the maps feature, but something was drawn to my attention by one of my players.   I use the pop up feature for map markers on some maps, and I initially noticed that when editing the map, these only pop up on a click (opening the pop up) but open on a mouse hover on the player visible map. This isn't an issue and I assume is designed to make the editing and creation process easier.   What I didn't notice though was that the pop ups are different. For each pin you can add a variety of associated sources (location, organisation etc) and in the editor, these show as helpful links in the pop up, but for players viewing the map, when they hover over the pin, they only see the brief summary. Additionally, it seems that when they click on the marker, it seems to take them to the first link, rather than the article about that particular marker. For example, a landmark on a map might have a location link for the city it is in, as well as an article link specifically about that landmark. When the marker is clicked it goes to the location, not the article about the marker.   For example, I create a pin for the city of "Siniath Othrond", which is located in the "Sylvan Woods". When creating the marker, I link the "Sylvan Woods" entry, and under Article, I link the "Siniath Othrond" entry. (See images provided in Related Element section)   Now when I click on the pop up in the editor, it tells me this is the city of "Siniath Othrond", and at the bottom of the pop up it includes:   Location: Sylvan Woods Article: Siniath Othrond   And both are clickable links to the relevant articles. But these don't show up on the player visible map version when they hover over the pin. They see only the summary, and if they click the pin, it takes them to the Sylvan Woods entry, not the Siniath Othrond one, which essentially means you could only ever link to one to ensure players are taken to the right place.   Am I doing something wrong?

Steps to Reproduce

As outlined above.

Operating System



Microsoft Edge

Related Entity

World Map:   City Map (does the same thing - for example, click the link for Emporium Boulevard, which will instead take you to the city entry as that is set as the Location):   How the tooltip looks in the editor side:
                                                How it looks in the player view:
                                        When the marker is clicked it goes to the wrong article:


Atlantiasp @ 18 Aug, 2024 07:17:58

Anyone looking at this?

Atlantiasp @ 30 Aug, 2024 08:10:02

Just trying to determine if this is a bug that will be fixed or if this is behaving as intended? If this is how it is intended, and those additional fields aren't accessible to players then I need to go through and edit all the locations to remove the additional items. It would seem rather pointless to have the ability to link the other articles and locations if they are not interactable for people viewing and if it causes the map pin to link to the top level location rather than the article.