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Missing Session Recaps and Notes

· Campaign manager ·
By snakekeeper7 on 02/23/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

I recently started a campaign and have had 3 sessions so far, having written a session recap for both and taken a lot of notes for each using the Notebook at the top of the screen. When I went to review the 2nd session prior to starting tonight's because it had been an almost 8 hour session over a week ago, I found that both session recaps and all the notes I had taken on that campaign had seemingly vanished. I checked another world of mine in case they had somehow moved due to me opening that world to send to a friend, but they were not there either.   The notes and recaps for my other campaigns were not affected, only the campaign I am running for my Nightfall group.

Steps to Reproduce

I'm not entirely sure what caused it, but I had the session recap open and searched a different world in View mode, not Edit, in order to send a page to a friend of mine. This was done in another window. When I came back to the recap the next day, I hit the Articles button and it automatically switched the world from the one I was working on (Elaris) to the starfinder world I had sent him (Elaris: Sea of Stars).

Operating System





Dimitris @ 23 Feb, 2024 03:02:38 Assignee

Hey there - can you please elaborate what do you mean by "recaps" (this is not a feature of world anvil) do you mean session report? I am asking for clarify so I can understand the issue.   In general also to put some context there is no automated way to delete notes or a session report. Session reports are articles in your world while the notebook is not linked ot a world, it is on the "account" level which means it can be used across worlds / campaigns / characters.

Dimitris @ 23 Feb, 2024 03:02:44 Assignee
Assigned dimitris
snakekeeper7 @ 24 Feb, 2024 01:43:16

Yes, my apologies. The Session Reports are what I was referring to. I checked after submitting this and found that the sessions themselves seem to have been deleted from the campaign, so there is only Session 3 in it now, no Session 1 or 2.

Dimitris @ 25 Feb, 2024 04:33:44 Assignee

World Anvil cannot in any way delete things - like I have literally never wrote the code for automatic deletions of any kind, so if it was deleted it was done by a physical person. ;(   Do other people have access to your worlds? Also looking at your account you have a ... significant number of worlds. Is there a chance you have misplaced the reports under another worlds? It can happen if you work in multiple tabs and you activate other worlds and then save.

snakekeeper7 @ 25 Feb, 2024 07:14:19

Nobody else has access to this specific world, I checked other worlds with the searching but did not find it. I appreciate the help anyway, though!   Unsure if this would help, but I found the links to the two articles for the session reports in my history, but they lead to 404 errors now. If they are recoverable I greatly appreciate it, but I also understand that storing deleted files from worlds would cost a lot and is probably not feasible. Session 1: Session 2:

Dimitris @ 28 Feb, 2024 03:34:03 Assignee

I am really sorry - I cannot find them - not even on the recently deleted (in the queue for deletion)

Dimitris @ 28 Feb, 2024 03:34:10 Assignee
set this bug to closed