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Copy/Paste in the editor cannot be undone

· Editor: euclid ·
By Lockdown2k5 on 07/01/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris
· Will Not Fix

The first ticket i sent for this was deleted without any message. Any article i try to edit has this. If i copy some text and paste over something, that action cannot be undone.

Steps to Reproduce

If you use ctrl+c to copy some text and then ctrl+v, the paste action cannot be undone, pressing ctrl+z will undo everything except the paste action.

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 06 Jul, 2024 05:12:46 Assignee

Hey there thank you for reporting!   We are aware of this issue - we are currently working on the development of a completely new version of the editor that will be released very soon and will completely fix this problem by also adding about a metric tonne of new features to the editor.   I am will close this as a "Won't fix" but keep in mind that we putting all our efforts at actually fixing it in a much better way. (You can always respond here if you need to talk to me)

Dimitris @ 06 Jul, 2024 05:12:51 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 06 Jul, 2024 05:12:56 Assignee
Dimitris Added tag Will Not Fix
Dimitris @ 06 Jul, 2024 05:12:59 Assignee
set this bug to closed