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Cannot Delete World goes to 404 screen

· World management ·
By Drewconic on 03/24/2024

Hello, looking to delete my world Arianor to make way to move that realm to a planet I'm making for my players. However I cannot Delete said World. It's not allowing me to do so. I was wondering if there is a reason. there is nothing stopping me from clicking the delete button but it won't delete. been trying for months.

Steps to Reproduce

go to delete world click I'm sure....404

Operating System



Apple Safari


Dimitris @ 25 Mar, 2024 02:26:55 Developer
Bug is duplicate of [World Delete] World cannot be deleted. A 404 page appears instead.
Dimitris @ 25 Mar, 2024 02:27:37 Developer

Hello there ;) Please make sure you check the board for previously opened related bugs :) I have closed this and merged it with the existing one :)