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Maps opens with the wrong layer activated

· Maps ·
By mmjajansen on 05/22/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

When opening my maps, i notice that they open with the wrong layer activated. While the legend says "Base" layer should be active, it it shows one of my other layers. When i click "Base" again, it changes to the correct layer.

Steps to Reproduce

No additional steps. Just open a map.

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity

See screenshot for example


Dimitris @ 22 May, 2024 01:56:22 Assignee

If you have elected for a layer to be visible when the map opens that layer or marker group will also be open. This is not a bug :) Check your settings

Dimitris @ 22 May, 2024 01:56:27 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 22 May, 2024 01:56:31 Assignee
set this bug to closed
mmjajansen @ 23 May, 2024 10:45:32

Yes, that is how i thought it worked. But under the "Layers" tab there is only an option to selecter the marker groups upon load. Not the layers. And by all accounts, it makes no sense that the the "Grid" layer is active while the the menu shows "Base" as active.

mmjajansen @ 25 May, 2024 11:37:46

Hi Dimitris, i appreciate your feedback, but it really isn't working like you are saying. I removed ALL my layers and my "None" marker group to start from scratch. This works.   Now i add a layer "Nation Borders" and upload a map with the borders of the nations of my world. I do NOT fill in anything for markergroups upon initiatilisation, figuring that when selecting none it should just display the base map. Not one of the layers and no markers.   When i do this, and reloading the site for good measure, i'm getting the base map with the "Nation borders" showing, while the layer selection box top right states that i'm in the base map. When i re-click the word "Base" in that box, it loads the base map without the layer. So again, i would assume that displaying a map displays ONLY the base map, not it's layers.