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Quick made article created as generic after selecting specific (technology) template via typing in the search feature.

· Articles & templates ·
By Tester225 on 01/29/2024
· Assigned to Xuroth
· Reproduced Important

Created an article using the article quick creation feature, with the technology template selected by typing "tech" then selecting the template, while editing another article. But when I went to full edit after completeing the viginette, it was using the generic article template. Bug happens if editing an exisiting article or not, if the article is listed as private or not, and it does not matter if you hit "go to full edit".

Steps to Reproduce

Use quick article creation feature with non-generic by typing the name of the template and selecting it that way, and hit go to full edit.

Operating System





Dimitris @ 29 Jan, 2024 03:21:33 Developer
Assigned katerinach
Dimitris @ 29 Jan, 2024 03:21:54 Developer

Thank you for reporting we will be investigating this asap

Dimitris @ 29 Jan, 2024 03:22:01 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Important
katerinach @ 30 Jan, 2024 08:42:04 Developer

Hi Tester225, we've made a fix that should adress this bug. Can you let us know if it's now fixed for you?

Tester225 @ 30 Jan, 2024 05:53:56

The bug is still present.

Xuroth @ 31 Jan, 2024 09:05:49 Assignee
Assigned Xuroth
Xuroth @ 31 Jan, 2024 09:06:04 Assignee
Xuroth Added tag Reproduced
Xuroth @ 31 Jan, 2024 09:13:19 Assignee

I've found and fixed a bug that likely caused this. Can you please ensure to do a hard refresh in your browser and then see if the issue persists?

Silenc3e3e @ 01 Feb, 2024 02:49:00

I was directed here, as I experienced the same issue of "generic articles" alongside the quick article creation feature creating duplicates. Commenting so I can follow along, and have it recorded here that another user is experiencing the issue on Chrome browser on either my chromebook or windows computer.

katerinach @ 01 Feb, 2024 07:49:20 Developer

Hello, we've found the underlying issue causing this bug and deployed a fix for it - could you give it another go and let us know if it's been fixed for you?

Silenc3e3e @ 04 Feb, 2024 01:09:45

As far as I can see, it works. I'll search for this thread again if it stops working :)

Tester225 @ 04 Feb, 2024 05:05:31

The bug is no longer present, tested a few variations of steps and all worked as intended. Thank you all!

Dimitris @ 06 Feb, 2024 03:36:47 Developer
set this bug to closed