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Map upload leads to Guild subscription, doesn't create new map

· Maps ·
By plus1jeremiah on 06/02/2024

I am a free user. I had two worlds previously and deleted both, then made a new world.   When I try to upload a map, I get the prompt to name it, then upload an image. When I upload, the green "successful" box appears in the top-right, but rather than redirect to a map page it pops out an ad to join the Guild. It never redirects, and the map isn't available anywhere in the World portal.   The image does successfully upload to the image library.   My best guess is my account is still flagged for already having two maps despite deleting all old content.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Log in as free user. 2. Create two Worlds with one map each. 3. Delete both worlds. 4. Create a new World. 5. Click Maps icon on left toolbar 6. Name map and proceed 7. Upload image   Image successfully uploads but map is not created. Browser does not redirect to a map editor. Ad to join the Guild pops out on left. Shift+Enter to proceed does nothing, nor does clicking the text directly.

Operating System



Microsoft Edge


Dimitris @ 03 Jun, 2024 07:27:22 Developer

Can you try again and let me know if it works?

Dimitris @ 04 Jun, 2024 02:25:21 Developer
set this bug to closed