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Text scene in manuscript does not save after pasting formatted text from word or website into editor

· Manuscript editor ·
By Victoria Bley on 02/18/2024
· Not a Bug UI/UX

I'm copying and pasting from Word and also internet blog posts into a 'text' box manuscript scene; Work does not autosave; also does not save with ctrl+s keystroke; no green box with saved and checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen Refreshing the page makes the text disappear; Exiting the window - navigating away (clicking the back button), for instance, and going back to it again, the work is gone; I have other text work in the same manuscript, composed a few days ago, that has saved. Whoops - scratch that - the rest of the work has disappeared, as well. Effectively, the entire manuscript (consisting only of two articles copied and pasted from the internet and from my Word document) has disappeared It is only today this has happened. As far as I know, it has not happened with my other manuscripts; but I am too afraid to test it; I have scads of research and am in the process of importing one of my novels from Word into Manuscripts. I noticed a couple of days ago somebody lost all the writing in their manuscript; could this be a related problem?

Steps to Reproduce

1. Use the above links to navigate to the 'Auth Pub Articles' manuscript The two scenes - 'Things I wish I'd known'; and 'Top Ten Tips' which I have placed in a new manuscript, strictly for my own reference because info is so much easier to organize in WA as opposed to Word - are both blank; To reproduce: 2. open either one of the 'text' scenes under auth pub articles; they are most likely blank 3. Copy some text from the Internet and paste. Does it save? Does ctrl+s save? 4. Refresh the page - does the work remain intact or does it disappear? 5. Thanks for looking into this

Operating System



Google Chrome

Related Entity

LINKS: Marketing Publishing Links in Auth Pub Articles this is the link in the 'settings' on the right hand text columnThis is the URL: have set the 'scene' to public; also the manuscript is publicNow, going back to the manuscript, I see that all of the material (two copy and paste articles) has disappeared. when i use the keyboard (type in two letters into the now-empty editor text box) the 'save' function works.It seems the copied and pasted material will not save; I'm baffled because a great deal of my work is copied and pasted from my own Word docs, or from the internet; I have it in other manuscripts - those are still intact, I believe. I hope. I am too afraid to check, to be honest.I have a  similar set up in another manuscript (General Topics) with one 'scene'copied and pasted from the internet into a Word doc and then copied and pasted into that scene; It is still intact; also, General Topics is a separate world; the manuscript is in that world; so far, it is intact


SoulLink @ 19 Feb, 2024 08:00:42 Moderator

Hi, have you used the Past as text from the edit menu on the editor toolbar or the browser paste without formatting context menu option? The editor in manuscripts does not have the function to automatically transform Word formatting into html.

SoulLink @ 19 Feb, 2024 08:01:57 Moderator
SoulLink Added tag UI/UX
Victoria Bley @ 19 Feb, 2024 05:38:49

Thank you very much for looking into this.   This is how I import 100% of the text from Word or the Internet to Manuscript 'scenes' (as well as the articles in my world): 1. I select and copy from my source, outside of WA - an original Word document - a chapter from my novel, for instance; or, a Word doc I've copied and pasted into from the Internet - a recipe, for example, if I don't want to 'save' the entire post; or, selecting a blog post, copy it and then navigate to WA to paste it directly into the text box window of a manuscript scene; 2. navigate to text edit window/box for a scene in manuscripts (i.e., click on text in drop-down menu in Manuscripts 3. right click to bring up paste option in menu window; I paste using the first button in the paste options - almost never using the others; 4. paste the material into the text editor window for the 'scene' document in the manuscript;   I'm giving the info to you this way because of my lack of tech knowledge and knowledge of your lingo. I can say for certain, no, I have never used the edit menu on the editor toolbar to paste. The way I've described is the only way I have done this action since joining WA. (For instance: I don't know what your phrase above 'browser paste without formatting context menu option' means. Sorry.) Until yesterday, the material has always 'saved' with no problems. Or, I hit ctrl+s and it promps the 'saved' message.'   Occasionally I will make adjustments in the destination text box/window - such as change the font or its size; or make something in bold - things like that. I also do the exact same operation for my articles in my worlds, if I need to import links or information of any kind; but that is all. As I stated above, I've never had a problem with WA saving anything.   Thank you again for any insight you can shed on this issue.

Victoria Bley @ 20 Feb, 2024 08:45:35

I may have discovered the 'save' hang-up/bug, whatever. This happened when I copied and pasted two blog posts, with comments, into a manuscript. I tried a little experiment. 1. I copied and pasted just the blog without the comments. Surprise! Everything behaved nicely - I got my save box, both automatically and when I punched ctrl+s. 2. Next, I copied and pasted the comments below the post. That is when the save action decided not to work. So I did this: 3. I stripped out everything in the comments (manually) except for the actual text. Still no 'save' action. So, 4. I scrolled slowly through the comments looking for something that might be the cause of the problem 5. Aha! There was one emoji included at the end of one comment. I deleted the emoji. Guess what? 6. The article saved. 7. Now I will do the same with the second blog post, when it comes around on my to-do list again.   Hope this helps.

Dimitris @ 20 Feb, 2024 04:07:13 Developer

Indede emojis cannot be saved on WA and that would be the reason for the save failing :)

Dimitris @ 20 Feb, 2024 04:07:24 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Not a Bug
Dimitris @ 20 Feb, 2024 04:07:28 Developer
set this bug to closed
Victoria Bley @ 21 Feb, 2024 11:58:14

Thank you kindly for looking into it. This is good to know. I don't use emoji's, myself.