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Can't change dates, descriptions and contents in my timeline. Only have one timeline. Free Account.

· Timelines ·
By Snowwolf on 04/25/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

I'm working on a fairly large timeline for my D&D game (11000 years). But if I want to create a new historical event or want to change the dates, the describtion or the content in existing events, I get the following error. "Naughty naughty! You are trying to peek at a private entry." Because this is a free account, I can't even make events private. All is public. The last time i worked on the timeline was 2 or 3 days ago, it worked fine then. I am fairly new to world Anvil. I got an account some time ago, but really started to work here a few weeks ago on my world.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the timeline "Luanzanes" 2. Go on edit button. 3. click on Create a historical event. 4. Put in some dates and the name of the event. 5. Click on create. 6. You get "Naughty naughty! You are trying to peek at a private entry."   or 1. Open the timeline "Luanzanes" 2. Go on edit button. 3. Click on an existing entry. 4. Click at the dates and want to change them 5. You get "Naughty naughty! You are trying to peek at a private entry."

Operating System



Google Chrome

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Ocey_dnd @ 25 Apr, 2024 12:10:53

I have the same issue please let me know if it get's solved

Dimitris @ 25 Apr, 2024 08:30:43 Assignee

Hello there - do you happen to have above 10 events on your timelines? It seems like you might be over the free account limits at this point.

Dimitris @ 25 Apr, 2024 08:30:52 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
informant246 @ 25 Apr, 2024 11:45:49

I am also experiencing this exact issue as of today (25APR) and can reproduce it in both MS Edge and Firefox.

Dimitris @ 25 Apr, 2024 11:59:10 Assignee

informant246 the same question as above for you - do you have in total over 10 historical entries?

Snowwolf @ 26 Apr, 2024 07:17:10

yes i have more then 10 events. but why is it only now not working anymore, because i had more than ten events already last week? Or do you mean eras? because eras i only have 6. Sorry for the late answer.

DnD_Hobby @ 27 Apr, 2024 08:30:37

They changed everything for free accounts staring April, but the switch must have taken place only in the last couple of days...

Dimitris @ 27 Apr, 2024 10:15:22 Assignee

Hey Snowwolf as Mikikatze mentioned almost 3 weeks ago now we announced that in order to make sure that World Anvil can continue working as it does we had to lower some of the limits given to free accounts.   World Anvil has over 2.5million free users and we provide to all of you the best we can but we do not have infinite resources and since we froze our prices since the pandemic and the economic crisis, something had to give.  

Dimitris @ 27 Apr, 2024 10:15:28 Assignee
set this bug to closed