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Problems with new party.

· Campaign manager ·
By Smiling_ST on 06/11/2024
· Assigned to katerinach
· Under Investigation

I created a new party. I cannot add new player characters that have joined the campaign, they are not listed in the drop-down menu. The party picture will also not load.

Steps to Reproduce

Edit party, characters drop-down menu is empty.

Operating System



Google Chrome


Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 03:48:51 Developer

Hello there :)   That is a very odd bug - are you sure that your new characters are actually player characters and that they are not in any other party?

Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 03:48:56 Developer
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 12 Jun, 2024 04:00:13 Developer
Dimitris Added tag Waiting for Response
Smiling_ST @ 12 Jun, 2024 02:08:38

One of my players managed to join the campaign, the other one cannot. The character shows up on the PC page of the campaign and there are no other parties to be a part of in the campaign.   The party picture will also not load. I also have problems with npc images not loading.

Smiling_ST @ 12 Jun, 2024 11:35:19

By leaving and rejoining the campaign (repeatedly) my players have been able to join the party. However, now they cannot upload a character picture (it will upload but will not show). Also, one of my players is visible in the PC's section of the campaign to me (the DM), is in the party, but will not show up on the campaign homepage, nor in the list of characters to add to a session.

Dimitris @ 13 Jun, 2024 05:09:25 Developer

Hey Smiling_ST it sounds iike you are regenerating the access link to the campaign maybe?

  • In terms of the image upload issue we will investigate
  • In terms of the user user not showing up. Any chance they set their character to hidden?
  • Smiling_ST @ 13 Jun, 2024 10:19:55

    Image issue seems to be fixed, thx.   The character is public and visible. I now have one that disappeared from the party again. I updated the party crest and the character was removed from the party. It also again does not show up in the list of characters to add to the party.

    Dimitris @ 23 Jun, 2024 03:59:29 Developer
    Dimitris Added tag Under Investigation
    Dimitris @ 23 Jun, 2024 03:59:33 Developer
    Removed tag Waiting for Response
    Dimitris @ 23 Jun, 2024 03:59:50 Developer

    Thank you for the update Smiling_ST - we will be investigating this futher

    Dimitris @ 23 Jun, 2024 03:59:56 Developer
    Assigned katerinach
    Smiling_ST @ 25 Jun, 2024 03:04:02

    Thank you, but I found a work-around. I made characters myself and then assigned them to the players. This seems to have worked.

    ohheyrene @ 10 Jul, 2024 08:02:29

    This happened to me as well- tried to add a new player, who *was* visible as a part of the campaign, to a pre-existing party, but their name wouldn't show up in the drop down list under party settings. I found someone on r/WorldAnvil who was experiencing the same thing a few months ago and the recommendation was to expel the character and re-invite them; the player had to create a new character, but it did work that time. Unclear why it works sometimes and not others.