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Changes to World Configuration generate 404 Error Message

· World management ·
By Buzzard on 06/11/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris
· Done

Any change (or no change) Saved to the World Configuration generate a 404 Error Message and the changes are not saved. Multiple guild members have reported encountering this problem.

Steps to Reproduce

Make and save any change to World Configuration.

Operating System



Google Chrome


ChronoOmega @ 11 Jun, 2024 05:46:39

PC, Google Chrome. I get the error with and without changes being made.

hellay @ 11 Jun, 2024 05:51:24

PC Firefox same thing (on two different network actually) On the sources I see a "error 500" for the edit. that most likely trigger trouble.   My changes are saved in the edit page fields . As I can still see them after a reload of the page. BUT they are not applied (tried adding a bunch of text on global header, general page and spidebar , and it is clearly not showing on my world.

Dimitris @ 11 Jun, 2024 06:50:35 Assignee

Hey guys - thank you for the heads up I am pushing an update that should fix this -

Dimitris @ 11 Jun, 2024 06:50:54 Assignee
Dimitris Added tag Done
Dimitris @ 11 Jun, 2024 06:52:50 Assignee
Assigned Dimitris
Dimitris @ 11 Jun, 2024 07:19:09 Assignee

This should now be resolved

Dimitris @ 11 Jun, 2024 07:19:12 Assignee
set this bug to closed