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Set the campaign homepage to private has no effect

· Campaign manager ·
By EvendurV on 04/13/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris
· Under Investigation Done

Good morning folks, i hope you all slept well..   Is there a possibility to set the campaign page private?   Something like:

  • hide from people who are not in the campaign,
  • which are no subscribers,
  • hide from everybody?
  • I thought if I set the access state (in the campaign settings) to private nobody (except maybe for subscribers) is possible to see the campaign homepage. But in fact, the homepage is always visible to everyone.   Thanks for your help!!

    Steps to Reproduce

    world: campaign:  

  • world = public & campaign = public --> both are public & visible to everyone
  • world = public & campaign = private --> both are public & visible to everyone
  • world = private & campaign = no matter what --> none of them is public & nobody sees anything
  • Operating System



    Google Chrome


    Dimitris @ 13 Apr, 2024 07:49:46 Assignee
    Dimitris Added tag Under Investigation
    Dimitris @ 13 Apr, 2024 07:49:54 Assignee
    Assigned Dimitris
    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 03:50:58 Assignee

    Hey there! I will be having a look at this today -- thank you for reporting!

    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 04:29:35 Assignee
    Dimitris Added tag Done
    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 04:29:57 Assignee

    Hey there - this should now be fixed - can you please confirm that it is working for you as expected?

    EvendurV @ 15 Apr, 2024 04:49:49

    Hi Dimitris, it works completely as expected. But just in the case, if the visiter is not logged in to world anvil. If a I visit the campaign homepage as a logged in campaign member I still see the homepage.   world = public & campaign = private (no subscriber groups added) & logged in campaign member --> visible to that member world = public & campaign = private & not logged in --> private like expected   Thanks for your help!

    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 06:06:21 Assignee

    I am sorry can you write this again just to be certain. Have you find a way that it is visible by someone that shouldn't be?

    EvendurV @ 15 Apr, 2024 06:21:46

    Yes, I have found that way. everyone with a character attached to my campaign (and logged in account) is able to see the campaign homepage. Maybe everybody who is looged in to WA (did not tested that).   My wish is: if campaign homepage is set to private --> nobody is able to see it --> except subscribers

    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 06:29:57 Assignee

    Sadly that is not part of the feature set - the players and DMs associated with a campaign will always be able to see it .   It could be changed but it will be a hard change to implement since it will lock thousands of people out of their campaigns   I am closing this since it is no longer a bug. But feel free to message me here if you'd like anything else :)

    Dimitris @ 15 Apr, 2024 06:31:24 Assignee
    set this bug to closed
    EvendurV @ 16 Apr, 2024 01:13:49

    I understand. Maybe there is a little wordaround for me I find.   I have the honor to gm 5 groups in the same campaign. So far so good. But not everybody wants their name (character) and upcoming and past schedule to be seen on the homepage. Is there a possibility to private the schedule and chars on the campaign homepage?