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No Article Table of Contents on Prose Articles

· Articles & templates ·
By Nulcheck on 04/05/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

Prose articles does not seem to put anything into the Article Table of Contents, even if you have header tags. The only thing that shows up, is a small empty box.   I do not know if this is intended, as proses do have a different structure than other articles, so I am reporting it as a bug just in case. If proses are not intended to have a table of contents, then I feel like not even the TOC box should show up.

Steps to Reproduce

While editing prose article:

  • Add some content with any kind of header tags.
  • Put the
    bbcode at the top.
  • View page.
  • Operating System




    Related Entity

    "articletoc" on prose articles.


    Nulcheck @ 05 Apr, 2024 05:32:00

    2nd reproduction step should say to "Put the 'articletoc' bbcode at the top". I think I accidentally put the actual bbcode when writing this out, so it kind of screwed up the list

    Dimitris @ 06 Apr, 2024 03:29:22 Assignee

    Hey there :) Prose articles are not part of the article "content" system which is the reason that the Article ToC doesn't work for them - this is not a bug - it is a lack of a feature though - one I completely understand.   A good course of action for this would be to add a feature request so we can see the community desire for this and take it from there!   In order to do that head to:

    Dimitris @ 06 Apr, 2024 03:29:27 Assignee
    Assigned Dimitris
    Dimitris @ 06 Apr, 2024 03:29:30 Assignee
    set this bug to closed