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Browser spellcheck does not work when editing articles

· Articles & templates ·
By T. Mystery on 09/06/2024
· Assigned to Dimitris

Short and sweet, when you edit an article the browser spellcheck just doesn't run. No red lines under misspellings to see 'em, either.   Working off a clear cache, but this bug's been present since at least August last year.   It works fine in some spots but anywhere the Plato or Euclid editor is used, spellcheck just does not work.

Steps to Reproduce

Open any given article in edit mode -> type some nonsense and hit space -> browser spellcheck will not catch it

Operating System





FJ Brodie @ 06 Sep, 2024 01:43:16

This is intentional, I believe. If you press the "Spellcheck" button in the editor, then refocus inside the content, the red lines appear.   Once you've corrected actual spelling errors (as opposed to invented ones, and @ article mentions) press the "Spellcheck" button to return to the usual editor.

T. Mystery @ 06 Sep, 2024 02:24:28

Except the expectation is to /use/ browser spellcheck, per this suggestion:

Dimitris @ 06 Sep, 2024 05:01:32 Assignee

I am really sorry but this is not a World Anvil bug,

Dimitris @ 06 Sep, 2024 05:01:40 Assignee
Assigned dimitris
Dimitris @ 06 Sep, 2024 05:01:49 Assignee
set this bug to closed
FJ Brodie @ 06 Sep, 2024 04:08:40

@T. Mystery - And my Firefox's in-built spellchecker does work. In the editor, press "Spellcheck". The editor's code colouring vanishes - click inside it and then your browser's spellcheck kicks in. You can then see which are genuine spelling errors. Once done, press "Spellcheck" and the squiggly lines disappear and code colouring is re-enabled.   I'm on Linux, but I'm using the same browser as you, so I'm not sure how your spellcheck isn't working. As @dimitris said, it's not a WA bug, but as just another world-builder, I don't mind trying to help you get spellchecking working.