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  The Mosi are an enigmatic species renowned for their mastery of organic technology, bioengineering, and terraforming. Evolving on a lush, forested world, the Mosi are deeply connected to nature and have developed a unique form of communication with their environment. This connection is facilitated by their physiology, which allows them to interface chemically with plants and animals. The Mosi are characterized by their unique appearance, which includes green eyes and a textured, plant-like exterior.  
by midjourney

Physiology and Abilities

  The Mosi have developed extraordinary abilities that enable them to interact with their environment in unparalleled ways. They possess a chemical interface that facilitates communication with plants and animals, allowing them to manipulate their surroundings and create advanced organic technologies, including an expansive, internet-like system spread across the planet (also called 'Mosi') through a network of roots. While they have never mastered fire, their expertise in bioengineering and chemical engineering has granted them a level of technological sophistication that rivals even the most advanced "Metals" - their term for the other races of the Symbion.  

Interstellar Colonization and Communication

  The Mosi developed a unique method of colonizing distant planets and communicating with their counterparts on those worlds: By sending their DNA via spores through space, they can establish new colonies on habitable worlds where the spores take root, grow, and eventually give rise to new Mosi. This organic method of colonization is in line with their nature-focused ethos and allows them to spread their influence across the galaxy.   To communicate with their distant counterparts, the Mosi adapted their organic communication methods to function on an interplanetary scale. They utilize a cosmic variation of their tree root network to establish a natural, interstellar communication system and thus maintain a cohesive, galaxy-spanning society.  

Terraforming Prowess

  Central to the Mosi's trade network and reputation is their ability to terraform planets quickly and effectively. Using their innate understanding of ecosystems and genetic manipulation, they can transform barren worlds into thriving, wild environments teeming with life. This talent has made them highly sought-after partners in interstellar trade and diplomacy, as they can rejuvenate dying planets or create entirely new habitats for colonization.  

Trade and Diplomacy

  The Mosi are primarily known for their terraforming services, but they also offer access to rare natural compounds and engineered bio-materials. In exchange, they seek goods that complement their organic technology or fulfill other needs within their society, such as genetic material, exotic nutrients, organic textiles, natural medicines, renewable energy sources, organic art and cultural artifacts, and knowledge and expertise in related fields.  

Common-Link Era and the Present Day

  During the Common-Link era, the Mosi experienced prosperity and increased interaction with other species, thanks to the Vocru's genetic integration of technology. This period saw them invite other species to establish settlements on their worlds, leading to a blending of cultures and technologies. However, the Vocru's disappearance and subsequent end of the Common-Link created challenges for the Mosi, as their pain-inducing interactions with metallic technology limited their communication with other species.   Ultimately, they asked the Metals to leave their planets, resulting in the abandoned, ivy-covered steel structures seen on their worlds today. Some remnants from the period such as robots still wander the planet; the Mosi decided to leave rather than decommission them due to their difficulties interfacing with the tech, so what few remain do so in a shambolic state.   Despite these hurdles, the Mosi continue to participate in trade and diplomacy, relying on their terraforming expertise and valuable natural resources to maintain their interstellar presence.


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