BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Vocru, with their advanced understanding of the universe and mastery over the Iconic language, have a deeply ingrained tendency to order events into Meaningful narratives, a process that can be described as the 'storyfication' of spacetime. This inherent trait reflects their philosophical and Existential framework, where the universe is viewed not just as a series of random events but as a coherent story or a collection of stories, each with its own intrinsic Meaning.   The benefits of this storyfication are manifold. By framing events within narratives, the Vocru gain a deeper understanding of the cosmos, as narratives are easier to comprehend, remember, and communicate than isolated data points. This narrative structure allows them to predict outcomes, see connections between seemingly disparate events, and manipulate spacetime elements with precision. In essence, it’s like having a mental map where each location is not just a point but a part of a rich, interconnected tapestry.   Moreover, storyfication serves as a powerful educational tool for Vocru Heirs, facilitating the transmission of complex cosmic laws and ethical lessons through engaging and memorable stories. It also fosters a philosophical discourse on the nature of Reality, Existence, and morality. Narratives help in building a shared understanding and cultural identity among various races and entities within the universe, promoting unity and cooperation based on common goals and shared stories. By unearthing / embedding Meaning into the fabric of spacetime (the Vocru have only one term – Zaaz - combining both discovery and invention, which are not viewed as different), the Vocru ensure that their actions and the events of the universe are imbued with Purpose and significance. This can provide Existential comfort and a sense of Direction, both for themselves and other sentient beings within the universe.   However, the process is not without its drawbacks. Ordering events into narratives can introduce subjective interpretations and biases. What one Vocru perceives as the 'meaning' of an event may differ significantly from another's Perspective, leading to potential conflicts or misinterpretations. There is a risk of oversimplifying complex events by fitting them into pre-existing narrative frameworks, leading to a loss of nuance and an incomplete understanding of the multifaceted nature of cosmic phenomena. This is more than just an aesthetic reductionism, but actually simplified space in the region observed.   Furthermore, storyfication can inadvertently lead to deterministic behaviours in the universe, where free will and randomness are reduced, as quantum probability is excised from the story dimensions. To the extent the narrative is regarded as preordained, the characters within the swathe of space the Vocru analyze may have their Decision Space shrunk. If narratives are believed to dictate the course of the universe, there may be attempts to alter or hijack these narratives for personal or political gain. This could lead to Existential risks if powerful entities try to rewrite cosmic laws or outcomes to suit their own ends.   The Observer Principle offers a heuristic for understanding the profound influence the Vocru exert on their surroundings. The mere presence of a Vocru acts on matter over time like a black hole acts on the universe, distorting semantic waves. Chronosyntactics is a technique that, among other functions, allows the Vocru to extract an event in spacetime, containing the Bleed of their influence and enabling them to "put the event back." This process is akin to a heart transplant operation: delicate, precise, and life-altering.   Even when Vocru merely observe, they change the fabric of Reality, decreasing its Entropy and making it more Meaningful. This amplification of Meaning can sometimes strip entities within the observed events of their agency, transforming them into characters in the story the Vocru perceives. While this phenomenon is rare, historical examples prior to the development of Chronosyntactic techniques illustrate the potential for such transformative effects.   Balancing the insightful utility of narratives with an awareness of their limitations is crucial for maintaining a holistic and accurate comprehension of the cosmic order. The Vocru's tendency to 'story-fy' events is like a version of the Midas touch: it brings richness and understanding, but also risks distorting the underlying Reality. The development of Chronosyntactics has provided a method to manage this influence, allowing the Vocru to engage with the universe deeply and meaningfully while mitigating the risks of their inherent storyfication tendency.


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