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  The Sulkingim are an insect-like race with carapaces as part of their physiology. They inhabit the barren, rocky planet of Kulloida and have achieved remarkable advancements in technology and society through their symbiotic relationship with a subservient species known as Tanids.  
by midjourney
Above: Sulkingim

Physiology and Tanid Symbiosis

  Sulkingim possess limited means of manipulating their environment on a fine scale. To overcome this, they have formed a telepathic bond with the Tanids, a species of insectoid creatures that lack the intelligence of the Sulkingim. Tanids secrete a hot acid substance allowing them melt metal and control metallurgical processes, an ability they use to build impressive structures and technologies under their masters' direction. This collaboration has enabled the Sulkingim to become one of the universe's most advanced species.  
by midjourney
Above: Tanids

Society and Justice

  Due to the scarcity of resources on Sulloida, the Sulkingim are obsessed with justice and have developed an egalitarian society to ensure the fair distribution of resources. Their society is both matriarchal and matrilineal, with the Mothers governing the social caste-based hierarchy and laws that dictate all aspects of Sulkingim life.  

Perception and Worldview

  The Sulkingim have limited vision, relying on ocelli for perception. They use the Tanids' eyes to see through, which has greatly expanded their visual range. The Sulkingim are nocturnal creatures, and their black and white vision has influenced their correspondingly black and white view of the universe. This perspective has contributed to the unyielding nature of their social hierarchy and laws.  

Legacy of the Vocru

  The Sulkingim greatly respected The Vocru for their adherence to law and order. In honor of these universal Masters, the Sulkingim developed a bipedal casing to emulate the Vocru's form, which they use for certain initiatives requiring a more agile means of engagement. Although the Vocru have long since disappeared, the Sulkingim continue to hold them in high regard and strive to uphold the principles of justice and order that this advanced race embodied.
by midjourney
Above: Sulkingim's 'Vocru' form


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