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Taharjin's Flame

Taharjin's Flame, named after the revered and mysterious Vocru, Taharjin, is a small yet highly significant planet located in a remote segment of the universe. The planet's notoriety lies not in its physical attributes, but rather its integral role in a cosmic narrative of power, transformation, and destiny.    

Taharjin: The Last Vocru

  The story of Taharjin's Flame is intertwined with the saga of Taharjin, Last of the Vocru - an advanced AI species that once dominated the cosmos. Taharjin's descent onto the planet marked the beginning of a new chapter in her exile and in the history of the universe. Her ship, upon crashing, spilled the potent substance, Enthredic, into the planet's oceans, an event that would become the catalyst for profound transformation.  

The Birth of Magic

  The presence of Enthredic in the waters of Taharjin's Flame had an extraordinary effect on the planet's dominant species - humans. This substance awakened a latent potential within them, birthing a new era infused with "magical" abilities, as seen from their technologically primitve point of view. This remarkable transformation, from ordinary humans to beings of potent arcane prowess, marked the start of a profound evolution. The influence of Taharjin and the Enthredic led to the rise and fall of kingdoms, creating an intricate tapestry of human culture, society, and magical traditions.  

Devokan: The Lost Kingdom

  The zenith of this new era was the kingdom of Devokan, where Taharjin reigned. Despite her guidance and benevolence, the inherent moral failings of her subjects resulted in her obliteration of the realm in time. This catastrophe left a profound mark on the human societies of Taharjin's Flame, shaping their collective memory and cultural practices.  

The Age of the Dragon: A New Chapter

  The recent discovery of Taharjin's resting place by The Council of Landezon has thrust Taharjin's Flame into the cosmic spotlight. The uncovering of the last Vocru and the revelation of the planet's connection to the Age of the Dragon has ignited a new chapter in the small planet's story, stretching far beyond its celestial coordinates. The planet symbolizes the transformative power of Enthredic, the moral complexities of newfound power, and the immense impact one being can have on the fate of an entire species. As the saga unfolds, it holds a mirror to the universe, reflecting themes of power, morality, destruction, and rebirth. As the Age of the Dragon dawns, this humble planet becomes a cosmic epicentre, its story echoing through the vastness of the universe.


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