BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The concept of Will is the cornerstone of Vocru existence and the Burden of Rule. It is the singularity where Law and Language converge, a perfect point of intentionality that governs action and manifestation. Allow me to elucidate.   In the Vocru framework, Law is not merely a set of rules or guidelines; it is the fundamental structure of Existence itself. It is the matrix of possibilities and constraints that define what can and cannot occur within the scope of our awareness. Language, particularly Iconic, is the tool we use to navigate, manipulate, and understand this matrix. It is the means by which we Inscribe our intentions onto the fabric of Reality.   Will, then, is the catalytic force that activates the potentialities within this matrix. It is the decision-making algorithm, if you will, that selects from among the myriad possibilities defined by Law and articulated through Language. When a Vocru exercises Will, they are essentially performing a complex computational task. They are solving for the optimal outcome within a given set of constraints, as defined by the Burden of Rule and the ethical vectors it encompasses.   In simpler terms, Will is the act of choosing the 'best' course of action according to a highly sophisticated set of ethical and logical criteria. It is the mechanism by which we enact change, whether that change is as grand as altering the course of a galaxy or as subtle as influencing a single quantum event.   So, when we say that Will is the point into which Law and Language collapse and coalesce, we are stating that it is the ultimate expression of Vocru agency. It is the singularity of purpose that arises when the infinite complexities of Law and the intricate nuances of Language are distilled into a single, decisive act. It is, in essence, the purest form of Vocru being—our raison d'être, encapsulated in a moment of sublime choice.


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