A game of "Regiment" in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

A game of "Regiment"

Regiment is a gentleman's (or gentlewoman's) lengthy game of thought and strategy often enjoyed with liquor or wine. It is played in 3 phases (Early, Middle and End Phase) between a PC and NPC.   Setup (See Common Game Terms/Rules).
  • Define a well connected upper-class NPC with a Friendly disposition toward you.
  • roll 1d4+1 for their Int modifier.
  • roll 1d4+3 twice, alot the two values to 2 of the follwong skills: Deception, Insight, Perception, Performance.
  • The two skills unalloted get a +2 bonus.
  • Through RP, negociate a wager with your NPC opponent (anything agreed upon less than 10gp is considrerd "low" class - change NPCs disposition to Neutral).
  • Play.
  • Each player rolls a 1d6 and adds their Intelligence modifier. Add this total to your running score.
  • Choose a Strategy (Optional) for the phase roll and adjust your running score accordingly.
  • Repeat Play for the Middle and End Phases.
  • The highest score after all phases wins (if the score is a tied, play another phase).
  • Strategy. During the current Phase you may attempt one of the following:
  • Read Strategy. Insight vs Deception (+3 to score on success, -3 on failure)
  • Conceal Strategy. Deception vs Insight (+3 to score on success, -3 on failure)
  • Quiet Diplomacy. You intentionally give up non-critical game piece to appease your opponent (-3 to score and improve the NPC's disposition).
  • Cheat. Performance vs. Perception (+3 to score on success, -3 on failure and the NPC's disposition worsens)
  • Distraction. Performance vs. Insight (+3 to score on success, -3 on failure and PC's disposition worsens)
  • Risk.
  • Failed attempts at cheating and distraction has caused an influential NPC to see you in a less than stellar light.
  • Too much 'quiet diplomacy' possibly made you look like a fool out of your league.

  •   Reward.
  • Sometimes, its not about winning / losing its about connections, maybe you earned a Friend or Ally today which may be of help later.
  • If your score was the highest, the next time you set out for adventure you have the Barbarian's Danger Sense feature for three full days brought on by the intense exercise in mental focus.

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