Amberdune Tribe

This tribe of jackalwere's once operated a business that was part of The Loop Merchants.

The are now based in Freehold awiting assistance with the resuration of Nidalia their former leader and a good Lamia.

Known staff:

  • Korvala - a Middle aged women (leader)
  • Ramah - Inbar’s outspoken brother and unoffical 2nd leader
  • Inbar (M, human) - a quiet, reserved jackalwere who wears spectacles in his human and hybrid forms
  • Marliza (F, human) - petite, her eyes and long braids belie her cunning
  • Zan - (M, human) - oldest pack member, who hums quietly while working

  • Theryn (M, human, deceased) - quite boy, repaired books.
  • Avani (F, human, deceased) - middle-aged, considers it her duty to keep the rest of her pack from doing anything to attract attention

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