Kasimir Voronov Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Kasimir Voronov

Kasimir Voronov

Kasimir Voronov is Dwarven Barbarian played by Jay.  

Allies and Rivals

His ally is Castor and his rival is Pollux . They are twins within one of the Lorcaster underworld's various "liberation unions".   Castor took a liking to Kasimir after meeting him during a night of drunken debauchery. Kasimir was begging on the street corner when the drunken Castor caught sight of him and, after a bit of conversation, found him amusing.   Promising the chance to make some real money, he introduced Kasimir to Pollux , an underboss in the criminal hierarchy of Lorcaster . Pollux is considerably less enamored of the dour dwarf, particularly after his last-minute refusal to work as an assassin-for-hire cost the guild one of their wealthier clients and brought down heat on Pollux from his capo, a lieutenant in the Wharf Rats thieves' guild. Castor helped Kasimir go into hiding, but was unable to convince his brother to call off the ensuing bounty he put on Kasimir's head over the embarrassment he caused.   Kasimir was looking for one last score to fill his purse with enough "jink" to get out of town when he became aware of the convoy of ships bound for Alpha . With little reason to hang around Etolar , and even less motivation to stay in Lorcaster , he figured this would be the perfect opportunity to carve out a new home until he was finally found worthy enough to pass on to his final reward.   DM Note: Kasimir hired on as roustabout (unskilled laborer) aboard the Kymorda (a transport ship bound for Alpha ).  


As a child, Kasimir was abducted from his family and sold to a slaver from Nexicrux , where he was put to work in a smithy along with other slaves forging weapons for the gladiatorial games.  

Youth/Young Adult

As he neared maturity and became more headstrong, he began attempting to convince his fellow slaves to revolt against their sadistic master, not realizing that the master's imp familiar was spying on these clandestine meetings.   As punishment, Kasimir was sent to fight in the games, where he quickly found himself outmatched by the extraplanar creatures that were the favored champions there, and found himself struck down from a vicious and ultimately fatal neck wound during his very first fight. He awoke in a strange forested area, still attired in his gladiatorial gear, not far from the city of Lorcaster, where he eventually found himself living on the street trying to eke out a modest existence.   As a prime, he does not realized that the killing blow that landed in the Nexicrux arena served only to banish him back to his native plane. Instead, he has taken up the beliefs of the Dustmen, one of the more bizarre factions of Nexicrux, who hold the belief that everyone is dead already, and that what others call "life" is really just a transitory period between life and the rewards of the afterlife.   He thinks this belief was a great revelation given to him by the angel of death after his ill-fated gladiatorial debut. On the contrary, as the Dustmen are charged with disposing of Nexicrux's dead, it is most likely that the dwarf, hovering near death as the lifeblood flowed from his body, overheard the ramblings of the unfortunate sods who had the good fortune of being on cadaver detail at the arena that day.


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