
Born and raised in Derrisport in the Eastern Tremon Reaches on the coast of the Sea of Talons on Etolar.


Korfel's parents ran The Safe Harbour which is a popular inn/tavern near the docks in Derrisport. His father Jacques, an Etolarian, was the chef for the tavern. His mother Jarsali, an Etaruvian, was in charge. She ran the inn and tavern.


Korfel played in the kitchen for the first 10 years of his life and started helping clean rooms at the age of 8. By age 10, Korfel got to start mingling with the performers at the tavern. The tavern had a tiny stage in one corner for singers, musicians, story tellers, and the like. By age 11, he had learned to play the maracas. By age 14, Korfel was playing the flute and shawm as well. By age 16, he had learned to play the viol. Playing instruments, juggling, and telling stories came naturally to Korfel. The Safe Harbour was a bustling business. His mother seemed to help out many dockworkers and sailors. They were always thanking her for her generosity.


Korfel's best friend was Enid. Enid's parents operated a small bakery near The Safe Harbour called Doughy Delights. Korfel and Enid were together from age 6 playing at either the bakery, then inn and tavern, or on the streets near the docks. No matter where Korfel was near the docks, there was always a dockhand, shop owner, or sailor that would greet him cheerfully and help him if needed.


When Korfel was 20, disaster struck the bakery. Doughy Delights burned to the ground. Three bodies were found in the ashes, presumed to Enid and her parents (Bran and Birgit). A few months after this, Korfel set out from home to try performing in other taverns and theatres in Derrisport and beyond.


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