Linden Carmichael Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Linden Carmichael

Linden is a human male Accountant, who makes his services available to businesses. He's extremely insightful when it comes to numbers and weighing the pros and cons of a thing.   Despite being an unlikely archer, Linden was on Teddy's archery team during the Zone C First Annual Settlement Festival. He landed a respectable shot at short range in the first round, but failed to hit every target after that.   He speaks with a lisp "I'd like to thailing thomday, but the Thalty The air is not good for my lungths."   Linden has hinted to Teddy that his father was disappointed in his inability to hunt and ridiculed his love of math. Linden alluded to an older (favored bother) and inadvertently flinched when Teddy went to pat him on the back (Teddy took this to imply he was physically abused at some point in his youth).   Linden is painfully aware of his limited archery skills, but seems to still clutch on to hope for fatherly approval and archery is perhaps his way of someday attaining that.   Linden does not seem to have many friends (Teddy saw him eating alone at the festival).


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