Shadow Character in 100 Worlds | World Anvil


Shadow of the leaves (a.k.a. The Blue Eyed Raven)

Shadow is a Tabaxi (subrace) rogue played by Brett   I did not grow up on Tabax (father never spoke of why), instead a small group of us lived in a remote area of Tremon on Etolar. When I was 8 years old I went out on a hunting trip with my father separate from our kin. We got ambushed by a band of Girallon. In protecting me he urged me to run, so I did and eventually got lost. Running further and further outside of the forest I came across a town (I later learned it was called Olfin). Not many people liked me much because of how I looked so I spent most of my childhood homeless on the streets hoping to find my parents.   One day I stole a bit of bread from a halfling named Chiplin who offered to give me a place to stay and food in my belly. I later found out that he worked in a guild called the Brotherhood of Balance. These people taught me everything they could. I mostly favored to arcane studies myself. Because money isn’t of much interest to me I usually only keep enough to feed myself and the rest goes to the guild.   My father always taught me that knowledge is the most powerful thing a Tabaxi could ever possess. So I spend most of my time studying maps, artifacts, runes, and magic items. When I’ve learned all I can, if they have no use to me I sell them and give the money to the guild or give it to Chiplin, if I want to keep it then I’ll hold on to it for new things to study and explore.   Early on I searched the woods for my kin. In my teenage years I ventured into the forest and found where my kin once lived but it had been abandoned. I found a bowl I remembered with an intricate carving. I held onto it as a momento.   One day I came across an old star-chart with a series of symbols - one of them matched the bowl! Excited, I learned from a mage in town that the symbol represents the lost world of Alpha. Hopeful that I may yet find my kin, I've been seeking clues as to its whereabouts for several seasons. Chiplin shared my enthusiasm for all things Alpha - captivated by a planet that simply disappeared. When rumors of its sudden reappearance reached Olfin, Chiplin and I knew our destiny. The guild was selecting craftsman and trades to go there as part of a settlement effort and Chiplin and I were selected.   I am deathly afraid of water. Setting out on this grand adventure may force me to come to terms with it. It takes effort to overcome this fear, but I can't let this opportunity go by.   My given name was “Shadow of the leaves” but most people just call me “Shadow”. I wear a feathered black cloak and all black armor, I have black fur and piercing blue eyes, so my alias is The Blue Eyed Raven.


Chiplin - fellow Brotherhood of Balance guildmember.


Egelric Loams - one of the towns fletchers - suspects Shadow of cheating at the game "Goblin, Troll, Dragon".


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