Storytelling Contest in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Storytelling Contest

This is a RP opportunity pitting a PC against another PC or NPC competitor.   Setup (See Common Game Terms/Rules).
  • Define an NPC audience member and give them the Hostile disposition (explain why).
  • Define an NPC audience member and give them the Friendly disposition (explain why).
  • Define an NPC audience member and give them the Neutral disposition (you barely know them).
  • Play. Use RP to tell your actual story (optional) or give us the gist of your story.   Now see if the crowd likes your story:
  • Choose your "first impression shtick" - shift all dispositions 1 better, 1 worse or leave them as is.
  • If you are a special race speaking to a non-special race crowd, shift all dispositions 1 category worse.
  • Choose 3 different relevant skills to used in the storytelling - skill checks influence their dispositions (one skill involves "edgy and questionable new material" and must utilize your worst non-proficient skill).
  • Roll once for each skill (you choose the order) but apply the single result to each audience member
  • The DCs are:
    DC Disposition
    20 Hatred
    15 Hostile
    12 Neutral
    9 Friendly
  • Success improves each dispostion by one and gives you 1 point (Ally can't be improved and is worth 0 points).
  • A natural 20 gives you 2 points and 2 iproves all dispostions by 2 categories.
  • Each fail worsens a disposition by one category (but doesn't cost you any points).
  • A natural 1 gives worsens all dispostions by two categories.
  • After each skill check, if audience members with Hatred outnumber Allies, the crowd begins heckling or throwing rotten vegetables giving you disadvantage in the next skill check.
  • Reward. If you have the most accumulated points, the next time you set out for adventure you have the Bardic Inspiration feature for three full days, brought on by your inspirational story-telling.


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