Tug-of-war Contest in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Tug-of-war Contest

In this game two 4-man teams compete against each other in a tug-of-war at the edge of a mud pit. One team is lead by your PC, the other by an NPC.   Setup (See Common Game Terms/Rules).
  • Define the opposing NPC captain, they begin with a Neutral disposition towards you.
  • The PC captain rolls 3d4 - each die represents a team member. the result +2 is their Athletics skill.
  • The DM rolls 4d4 - each die representing a team member (the highest is the NPC captain).
  • Arrange your team dice, weakest to strongest (captains are always last).
  • Play.
  • Each teams score begins at (or is reset to) 0.
  • All team members (including you) make a DC 15 Dex check (NPC captains are proficient with +1 Dex modifier, the rest are non-proficient and +0 dex)
  • A failure means the team member can't maintain traction (they don't add to your score this round)
  • A success means you add the team member's Athletics skill to your score.
  • An NPC captain with Hatred can add 1d3 to their total.
  • Lastly, the PC captain can optionally try a Dirty Trick.
  • The team with the, highest total pulls the first member on the other team into the mud pit (they are eliminated). When the NPC captain's team eliminates an opponent, his disposition improves to Hostile.
  • Repeat play until one team has been completely eliminated.

  •   Dirty Trick. A PC captain can call for a Dirty Trick that you arranged before the war started. Roll a Persuasion check DC 15 to properly coordinate and time your trick. If you succeed in the check add 1d4+2 to your total, subtract the same amount if you fail. Worsen the disposition of the opposing NPC captain.   Risk.. Dirty tricks can backfire. You've made an enemy.   Reward. If your team won, the next time you set out for adventure you gain a Fighter Fighting Style for one full day brought on by the sheer confidence of leading your team to victory.


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