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Just like the island it is located on, Cala is neatly divided into two territories, the marine and the pirate side of town. A large wall, that is called the Break Barrier by locals, divides the city in half.  

In charge

The Cala Ynys Guards, headed by Steff Witherson are in charge to keep peace and order in the streets of Cala. They decide who is on the wanted bounties list and try to keep the priates as well as the marines in check. When a conflict happens and they deem it necessary, they close off the only road that connects marine and pirate territory, the Winding Alley.  

The Harbors

Marine Side

Bounty Office and ReQuest Board

The ReQuest Board in the harbour next to the bounty office on Cala Ynys where all request can be posted. From asking for a hitman to a cup of sugar from the neighbours. The bounty office is run by George the halfling. The bounties on the island are not the same as the marine bounties, but in some cases they overlap. Island bounties are for the people who did something wrong on Cala Ynys or very close to it. This is to encourage trade between marine territory and outside, and to keep the peace in Cala. It is not allowed to arrest a marine bounty on the island, but that does not mean no marine tried before.

Northern Side

The Northern Side of the harbor....  

Taverns & Inns

The Hanging Bat

Tavern in Cala on the wild side. Mostly a meetup place for pirates, and merchants who want to do a bit more shady trades.

The Midway

Inn right between marine & pirate area.

The Faulkon

Inn on the marine side, this is mostly frequented by marines who do not wish to associate with the people on the other side, who they feel will start trouble at any second. It's not the most pleasant atmosphere here, most nights.

The Tinker Inn

Recent expansion of Cogs and Sprockets. Dotted around the tavern are all sorts of interesting toys and contraptions. Some are just for aesthetics, like a small hot air balloon flying around the room, but others are actually useful. Little trains run along tracks around the room delivering food and drinks and music is playing from a strange box at the back of the room.  

Shops & Market

The Winding Alley

On most days the alley that winds through both Marine and Pirate territory is dotted with many stalls from either local shops or merchants that have come to present their wares. This is the only way to get from one side of town to the other, without going outside of town.

Stocks & Stacks

Book store, marine side, very chaotic. Run by a halfling, Vladimir Toltoi, his sister has a bookstore at the other part of town, Black Books.

Potions & Poisons

Run by a very high high-elf.

Black Books

Dark book shop, wild side of Cala, specializes in curses and the like, very organized. Halfling owner, Anastasia Toltoi, very competitive with her brother who has a bookstore on the other side, Stock & Stacks.

Frefil’s Magically Sweet Treats

The candy shop for all of your treats with a little something... extra! The different treats have some magical effects which can last longer, or may just be have magic on it to just taste better. He may pay adventurers to try his new recipes that may be... dodgy... This shop is one of the many of the Frefil Franchise.

Metal Works

Blacksmith, run by a huge dark hill dwarf.  


Cogs & Sprockets

Gnome tinkering business. Mostly makes fun items to sell. Arti worked here a while. Name of the boss is Ella Humplebumple.

Leviathan Company

Cala has the company headquarters of this group of researchers and adventurers. Their aim is to map this whole side of the world.  

Temples and Shrines

As Cala Ynys is not part of the Marine Territory yet, all religions are allowed and as such, different small shrines can be found on many a street corner.

Marine Side

On the marine side shrines of The Truth can be found.

Pirate Side

On the pirate side of town the shrines of Melora, Avandra, Valkur and Selune are the largest.

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