Arbitration Logs: Hilka's Burial Document in 13 | World Anvil
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Arbitration Logs: Hilka's Burial

A collection of piecemeal parchments bound by a thick leather strap. All the parchments are dated on the same date, but there are different handwritings. A brief summary has been written on the parchment enveloping the unbound parchment pages. The summary is dated one day later. This is also the only one that has been signed. The signature corresponds to Archon Piera Fjalla.
As inconceivable as it is, both parties were unable to reach an agreement during mediation. As such, the matter was raised to the arbitration court.
Record, Judicial

Handwritings & authors

Linguistics DC 15
There are thirteen handwritings total in between the different parchments. Some handwritings have written as little as ten sentences, one has written a total of 3 parchment pages.
All the papers relate the same basic story. A woman, by the name of Hilka, with no surviving children, died and her husband and brother quarrelled over where she should be buried. The dead woman in question was born a Gakbog, but married into Adeshel. Her brother, Vik Gakbog wished her to be buried in the family's lands. Gakbog lands. Her husband, Sven Adeshel, maintained she should be buried where the couple had lived, and where their children had also been buried.
A related mediation case with the same two complainants is mentioned in some of the papers, in regards to Hilka's lands. The Archon was able to reach a satisfactory agreement by allowing Hilka to be buried in Adeshel hands but her lands to be returned to the Gakbog clan (although not to her family).


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Jan 10, 2022 23:22

Interesting little article. I like the specificity of the title, it really grabbed me. Such a seemingly random little detail for the world. If it's not meant to be random it might need more links, but as a detail for the world it's rather intriguing.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.
Jan 11, 2022 06:23

I'm glad you liked the specificity of it :D It's for my game, so I wasn't sure what people would think.   A couple of sessions ago, my player was sent to investigate some issues in the husband's land and found a very expensive magical sword buried with Hilka (which is the whole reason husband & brother were fighting but keeping it secret).   They want to learn more about the sword, so they gotta do a bit of investigative work. This article is something my player can find if they investigate further the death & burial.