Golden malaise Condition in 13 | World Anvil
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Golden malaise

Considered by some a curse from the gods to punish greed, and by others, a boon to provide much needed precious materials, the truth is that wherever this disease is found, chaos ensues.   Golden fever is caused by the gradual alchemical transmutation of the metals in a person's blood into gold, and eventually, all their tissues.

Transmission & Vectors

Unknown to everyone, this disease is caused by the bite of the golden-horned adder.


Those that survive the bite and venom of the golden-horned adder tend to assume that all side-effects are gone by the time the first symptoms of golden malaise start to appear. However, they are wrong; the venom has long-lasting effects. The first noticeable symptoms typically appear one to three months after the bite.


At first, the person will start feeling sluggish. This period is followed by a period of euphoria and high energy, which typically lasts a month. Afterwards, the affected person progressively starts losing energy, and their limbs start hardening. Typically, six months after showing the first symptoms, the person is bed-ridden, incapable of moving and having respiratory issues.

Cultural Reception

You know mom has been sick...   Folks say the gods have chosen to send us a gift, through her, but that means she has to leave us. We only have a few more months, so let's make the most of it. But afterwards... afterwards we will never be left needing no more.
— Maxrii

The golden malaise has the capacity of causing chaos wherever it is found. People suspected to have this disease have been kidnapped (often wrongly), worshipped, and killed, amongst others.   All of this because once the person dies, their whole body becomes a solid block of gold within a day.   Depending on the community where the affected lives, people will seek to make their condition public or keep it hidden.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
There is no known treatment

Geographic Spread

Golden malaise is typically restricted to the continent of Friac'seoue (which is, of course, where the golden-horned adder lives). However, there are records of a few cases outside of Friac'seoue.   These cases are either of people who were bitten in Friac'seoue or from imported snakes kept as exotic pets.  
In the continent of Tiel, there is a famous statue of a person that suffered from golden malaise.   Tereli Zandiel was a rather rotund woman, part of a rich family that had no real need for that sort of money.   When she died of golden malaise, the family donated the "statue" to the city, under one condition. As long as the city continues to prosper, the statue will be prominently displayed to symbolise the city's success.   But should the city ever be in dire need, the statue could be used to make coins and ingots for trade.

Plot hooks

Where did the statue go?
During the plague, the Zandiel family could no longer ensure that the city was prosperous. They could not even assure their own wealth!
It soon became apparent that the statue was cursed or had a mind of its own. During the first few years of the plague, when thieves and desperate people would try to cut off a part of the statue, they would die in the oddest circumstances.
Even when the family and the city's trusted folk asked the statue nicely to allow them to make use of her departed body, the curse devastated anyone who touched the statue with the intention of harvesting gold.
The city no longer has plague cases, but everyone has been left pauper. With no money or resources to make a comeback, the city is doomed to languish until it disappears from the map... Unless someone figures out what Tereli Zandiel really needs.
A golden Grippli
In one of the last ships from Friac'seoue to Oceasile, travelled Wallep, a young grippli who arrived in Pertkwugo full of energy and enthusiasm.
But as Wallep travelled to his hometown in the cliffs west of Pertkwugo, every step seemed to weigh him more than the last one. He arrived, feeling exhausted. His clan, thrilled to see him, were sure that he just needed a few days of rest.
However, he never recuperated. Having never heard of golden malaise, the clan was awestruck when the day after their death, Wallep turned into pure gold. There was no other possible explanation: this was a gift from the goddess herself!
Someone has stolen the statue in the middle of the night. The clan suspects a tribe of goblins, and they want their holy statue returned! The truth is not that simple, though.

Cover image: by Francisco De Legarreta C.


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Dec 21, 2020 22:56 by Angantyr

I know I'm a terrible person, but I can totally see people trying to run a business on something like cutting of the infected limb and dropping it into a pool of blood.   Very good take on mixing alchemy with disease.   Were golden-horned adders can be found?

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 23, 2020 08:49

Uffff.... I had not even thought about that (re: limb and pools of blood)!
Golden-horned adders can be found on the continent of Friac'seoue, which is a continent in my world inspired in the African continent.

Dec 22, 2020 22:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yikes, not only are you dying a slow and painful death, you have to worry about people stealing you so they can make use of your dead body! D:   I like the plot hooks. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 23, 2020 08:50

Hahahaha, yeah! It is a disease with a conundrum :P   I'm glad you enjoyed the plot hooks, I was feeling a bit unsure about them because they became longer than initially expected.

Dec 23, 2020 18:50 by TC

Ooooh this is a fascinating take on the prompt! I really love the inclusion of different reactions to the golden malaise, and the inclusion of plot hooks is really awesome and inspiring!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 29, 2020 11:08

Thank you! I really wanted to make a disease which was not clear-cut.
I'm also writing one of those plots now, let's see if I manage to get it out before WE finishes...

Dec 28, 2020 01:55 by Grace Gittel Lewis

A lovely condition! Love that it's got a silver— or golden— lining, even, complicating things more...

Dec 29, 2020 11:08

Hehehehe, yeah...

Dec 28, 2020 23:21 by Diane Morrison

This is clever! Well done!

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.
Dec 29, 2020 11:10

I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Jan 2, 2021 17:13 by Cassandra Sojourn

This is an excellent idea for a disease. I could also see people being urged to (or choosing to) sacrifice themselves for their family or community by purposely seeking out the the golden-horned adder.

Choose your poison:   Phasmatum: An Afro-Solar-Fantasy world created for my epic novels.
Adazuri: A shonen-inspired magitech fantasy world home-brewed for 5e.
Jan 3, 2021 22:08

Thanks. Well, no one knows it is caused by the golden-horned adder, so that is not a risk yet.

Jan 2, 2021 23:29 by Daniel

Great idea with the plot hooks, particularly like the one where Wallep's clan think his condition is a gift!

Jan 3, 2021 22:09

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy the plot hooks.
You may find more about the disappearance of Wallep's "statue" here:

Jan 7, 2021 04:13 by Starfarer Theta

This article is gold. ;) The concept is very imaginative and can give rise to several plot threads.

Feb 20, 2021 16:22

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Feb 9, 2021 14:01 by J. Thorne

Oh Em GEE, this is BRILLIANT! (pun intended)   The thought of a city with a whole avenue lined by incredibly realistic golden statues leading up to a temple or palace or government seat springs to mind. "Disease? Dear gods man, no: we just have wonderfully talented artisans! the best in all the world!"   Would probably be a dragon magnet, though. o_O

Feb 20, 2021 16:22

Hahahaha, I love that idea!

Feb 21, 2021 04:44 by J. Thorne

*curtsies*   I'll be here all week, folks!

Feb 11, 2021 04:30 by Time Bender

Very fascinating idea! I've always been intrigued by the ancient myth of Midas turning things to gold, and it's a very interesting concept that this golden transformation could occur via snakebite.

Feb 20, 2021 16:24

Thanks! I may explain why this snake's bite creates this as a result. Maybe. It's not likely to be relevant to my world for the time being.

Jul 13, 2021 12:41 by Chris L

I hadn't seen this article before! What a fun concept. So what happens if an aurumvorax gets this disease?!?!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Aug 30, 2021 18:00

Muahahaha, that is a very fun thought. I have put it on my notes for this disease to see if I figure out anything. Right now I'm thinking dire aurumvorax / advanced creature template / tons of babies... The possibilities are endless!