Rumbling Enclave in 13 | World Anvil
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Rumbling Enclave

Protected by sounds of thunder, this small enclave holds a respite for goblins and gnolls who don't want to participate in the endless toil common to both races on the island.   All inhabitants of the enclave have left their racial hatred towards each other behind, but some have gone further than that. Some goblins and gnolls have formed families, the offspring of such relationships are known as "gnoblins".   There are a few rules to join the enclave:
  • No slaves (accepting slaves would put the community in peril, so they go to great lengths to investigate if non-goblin and non-gnoll humanoids were slaves once)
  • Not actively persecuted (for the same reasons as above, goblins or gnolls in search by their respective communities are declined to avoid getting targeted)
  • No grudges towards or with anyone already part of the community (maintaining the peace is more important than growing the community)
  • Contribute towards the community, according to one's capabilities
  •   The enclave is one of the few spots where humanoids from outside the island can peacefully trade with goblins and gnolls without fear of imminent danger or capture. They even have a caravanserai where they are ready to host a few people that need lodging for a few days.

    Cover image: by Stefan Keller


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