Session 58: Freed Ooloodee Report in 13 | World Anvil
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Session 58: Freed Ooloodee

General Summary

The group executed their plan and managed to thwart Woordaa's ritual, releasing all of Ooloodee's ghosts from their cursed temporal loop.

Character(s) interacted with

Woordaa: the maddened, griefing grippli behind the daring plan to have the whole town be a ghost
Storyteller: a bard who tried to oppose Woordaa's plan
Wuurduu: a fighter who accompanied the Storyteller to drown out Woordaa's ritual
XP: Change from medium track to fast track!
Everyone is at 295,000 XP points.If the embedded survey does not work, use this link to fill-up the survey.
Report Date
29 Dec 2022
If the embedded survey does not work, use this link to fill-up the survey.

Cover image: by Pixabay


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