Skoupidari Profession in 2222: Earth UnEnlightened | World Anvil
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Skoupidari (Scu-pid-are-e)



Not only does the Skoupidari population help prevent the waste of the [Prepoch] from overtaking the [Citydels], they are also the de facto record keepers of the Old World... Due to their reliance or Oral tradition and their rejection of Sophian Biotech, the Skoupidari are excellent story tellers, often cloaking their history with a layer of sarcasm and their own unique lingo of metaphor. While their primary task assigned by SOPHIA is to dispose of waste, many Skoups make money on the side by pawning off valuable discoveries, with the most well connected and established brokers selling antiques to the wealthiest of Sophian society.

Social Status

Skoupidiaries are seen as the unintelligent buffoons who are only useful for picking through trash. While this perception is fueled more by stigma and prejudice than it is by any meaningful interaction with Skoupidarian society, it matters little for those living higher up so long as they have someone to look down on.


The Skoupid identity isn't one seen as biological or genetic in nature, but rather social. Those in society who cannot pay their dues or are excommunicated for crimes are sent to the lower levels of the city where their penance is clearing the long abandoned city corridors and streets of trash from decades ago. The descendants of the Skoupidari tend to share the fate of their forebears save for a select few who receive sponsorships by philanthropic upsiders who visit the [Underslum] on mission trips, archaological excavations, and other chance visits. There is a high percentage of disabled people, as well as ethnic and sexual minorities living within the lower levels, reflecting the vast economic disparities that existed between different communities pre-2022. Approximately one quarter of the Underslum's population is comprised of believers in [Preopoch] theologies that are condemned to life in the Scrapslum. This population estimate does not represent all Preopochists just those living in the Underslum. Most Preopochists living above the Underslum are uneducated in the history and traditions of their ancestors, with each successive generation ever so slightly reduced in knowledge and cultural/religious connection, instead being fed propaganda by SOPHIA and the Septarchy.


While many Skoupidari originally signed on voluntarily due to a desire to clean the world, the second and third decades of the program began to see an influx of dissenters and criminals due to a campaign silently being waged against Preopochists in the upper levels. While much of the tension really started in 2044, it wasn't until the coordinated, mass political purges of 2048 that Preopochism was seen as a disqualifying condition for positions of authority. On April 08, 2048, the [Secretary General] of [SOPHIA] commanded the total expungement of non-Neopochs from governmental roles following the outset of the [World Civil War]. This civil war that spanned the planet was sparked by an unknown cause despite retroactively being pinned on a group called [The Children of Chaos] who declared that their god was the spirit of Chaos who sought the destruction of order and civillization. As a result, anyone of significant cultural, political, or religious influence who did not profess loyalty towards the Septarchy was sent to the Underslum in hopes of preventing another uprising.
Alternative Names
Skoups, Skoupers, Pooper Skoupers, Skoupidiots, Scavs, Underslummers, Packrats, Downsiders
While no-one in their right mind would find it luxurious or desirable to be a Skoupidari, it is nevertheless one of the most important roles of society.


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