The Christians are Coming
It has come to our attention that the Christians have located several of our smaller towns. I believe it is now time for us to move deeper into the woodlands and locate a place we can fortify.In the year 2236 CE after the discovery of how to craft luminescent ink, pagan scholars re-discovered the lost language of the Ogham, spreading it's use for the passing of messages as a way to protect their communities. With the Christians having re-ignited the witch hunts, those who were the initial sufferer's of Magicus Imperious needed a secret language.
I have counted a total of about one thousand armed people on the move. They are about a week's march from the nearest community in Nelson. That is if they are not slowed by lack of food.This letter or missive was sent via messenger ravens to every community in order to save lives.
I uish I cneu hou those damned UITCHES were passing messages and afoiding us. Eferytime ue get near one of their touns, it is bloody uell deserted. — Cardinal Uoolsey
Translation of above quote:
I wish I knew how those damned WITCHES were passing messages and avoiding us. Everytime we get near one of their towns, it is bloody well deserted. — Cardinal WoolseyPurpose
This message was sent for the purpose of rallying the magical community to defense.
Report, Intelligence
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
October 30, 2236