The Baalu, Rejuvenation and Juve Syndrome Condition in 'Zenith's Edge' multiverse | World Anvil
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The Baalu, Rejuvenation and Juve Syndrome

Written by Leigh_Wright

The Baalu and Rejuvenation

The secret to the success of the Baalu is their Rejuvenation technology.

The lifespan of a typical Baalu is about 120 jehrs, already above the galactic average. With Rejuvenation this has increased significantly, the oldest Baalu currently on record reaching 336 jehrs of age before death. This longevity has undoubtedly contributed to the Baalu’s domination in expansion across the galaxy. The latest reckoning has it that Baalu space now includes 423 systems.

The Baalu have yet to share their Rejuvenation technology, and attempts from other sources in trying to replicate it have so far proven unsuccessful.

Panspermia by The Ephemeral Man

Juve Syndrome

All Baalu who Rejuvenate eventually develop Juve Syndrome: degeneration of cells, bones, organs and brain. Symptoms vary from various levels of discomfort and pain, to loss of bodily of mental functionality.

A standard Rejuvenation effectively restores 7 jehrs of life.

More extreme rejuvenation is possible: 14 and 21 jehr rejuvenations have been successful, but the risk of developing Juve Syndrome after each treatment increases dramatically.

While specific data is sparse, it appears that the average number of Rejuvenation treatments a Baalu can expect to successfully receive before the onset of Juve Syndrome currently stands at 26, though this varies wildly, dependant on the individual. Some Baalu have been known to develop symptoms after their first treatment. Once symptoms appear, they will reoccur and worsen with every subsequent Rejuvenation.

The Baalu continue to attempt to optimise their Rejuvenation techniques. It is the current trend for the first treatment to be taken at 21 jehrs of age, reverting them back to post-pubescence 14 jehr olds. They refer to this as their Second Childhood, which has produced some interesting societal restructuring. It seems that regular Rejuvenation from an early age results, on average, in greater longevity than more drastic treatments, or leaving treatment to a more advanced age.

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Cover image: Zenith - Banner by The Ephemeral Man


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