Dante, what a wreck. The Winninger Universe is a dark place, and it churns out dark heroes. Dante is a hero, he is trying to do the right thing, but his creation is seeped in cynicism and it affects everything he does. I found him in the Pelgrane Universe, in a dark movie theater. The audience was frozen in place, as a creature stood in front of the screen. Standing in his seat, shouting at the monster, is none other then Dante. His sanity was wiped in his "birthing"; his dedicated belief in Nihilism confuses Tsathoggua. It is the first time I have heard of an Old One retreating from an insanity IT didn't understand.
Brian's Notes: Ray Winninger's Underground 2021. I picked this book up because I liked the background, and I like non d20 games. I have to say making a character wasn't that fun. The Charts are not where you need them, so you constantly bounce back and forth between chapters. They don't do a great job explaining what a goal is. What constitutes a GOOD skill? Dunno. So I just kind wung it. Maybe that is the point of the system. The "School Grade" dice system was very confusing at first, but once I understood how that worked, it was better. I would still plan on running this as a One Shot when the world re-opens.