Aria Grace

Pers File - Onboarding Background Check   Begin Record   Gathered Information   Ms Aria Grace is a 24 year old woman from New York City. She is part Italian, with black hair and green eyes, and stands about 5' 4". Ms Grace tends to keep her hair kept up in a bun using whatever means available, usually writing implements. She does wear glasses. Aria was onboarded to work with R&D at the organization to improve the lives of supers and civilians.   Note:   Currently interning under Dr Setzer, for the past 2 years. Performance review has been exceptional, and was granted permission to work as liason for Team 2, given her exceptional performance. Dr Setzer was quoted as saying "her performance is acceptable".   Powers:  
  • Super Senses: Able to process information at a superhuman rate, was able to ace standard fighter pilot awareness tests, something normally expected to weed out all but the 90th percentile of humans
  • Communication: Natural universal polygot, able to maintain multiple conversations without any sort of difficulty
  • Intuition: Aria seems to be able to intensively resist many forms of mental intrusions, as if she is capable of seeing their true nature
  • Luck Manipulation: Persons around Ms Grace have noted things that are statistically improbably always seem to work out in her favour. It is suspected she is somewhat capable of manipulating the outcomes of random chance events.

  •   Note on Combat Capabilities   Aria has proven on multiple occasions that her prowess with ranged weapons is quite great, on various occasions able to outshoot many trained marksmen both in the shooting range, and in the field.


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