Dr Winithon Cerberton Zaeth MD - Blink

Pers File - Onboarding Background Check   Begin Record   Gathered Information   Blink, or Dr. Winithon Cerberton Zaeth MD. is 37 years old and is of Malaysian and Vietnamese heritage. Dr Zaeth was a world record holding olympic sprinter for Australia, where he moved to as an infant. Due a tragic car accident, his sprinting career was cut short. This left him with multiple shattered vertebrae, broken bones in his legs, as well as burns across his whole body. Miraclously, after many surgeries and about 3 years of physical therapy, Blink regained the ability to walk without assistance and is able to run, though reports say it causes sever pain. Blink is engaged to the nurse that he went through therapy with, and both are currently living together in Point Hope. They have no kids at present. After succesfully going thought physio, Blink took his money earned through olympic performances and world records, as well as a nice hefty settlement from the car crash, and showed that he was a astoundingly capable scientist and buisnessman. Blink proceeded to build from the ground up a world leading tech company that he is very proud of. Blink is a multimillionare outside of his buisness, as he puts almost his entire earnings back into his buisness ain order to further advance and strengthen the hold they have over the market. Blink has said he is working on an autobiography, that he will have released on death, though it is currently incomplete as he is actually writing 2. One of these writings will be a public facing one, and one he will have given only to decendents, should he have any. Dr Zaeth holds doctorates in medicine, as well as many other technical pursuits, though he prefers his doctorates of technology over that of medicine. He has said on record that his motivation for his medical doctorate was primarily so he could understand what the doctors were telling him while he was training as an athlete, then further as a patient. Dr. Zaeth is suspected of filing all his inventions under his companies name, in order to retain a level of control. Dr. zaeth is proud and slightly arrogant of his accomplishments and is very keen to correct people when they get them wrong.   Note:   Dr Zaeth was not very forthcoming on his entrance interview, and his application was rather sparse aside from the pertinent information.   Powers:  
  • Teleportation: Currently a few miles, training to increase ability
  • Healing: Dr Zaeth can heal a small area at once or a singular person for greater effect. Progressing in training for healing efficacity. Dr Zaeth has requested subjects willing to submit for testing of said powers.
  • Time Manipulation* - Dr Zaeth, after much prodding, admitted to being capable of at least minor temporal manipulation, however he was unwilling to elaborate upon the subject or his capabilities, further investigation required.

  •   Combat Suit:  

    Dr Zaeth developed his own combat suit, simply called the Ballistics Suit Mk2. It's likely the Mk1 version was simply a lab prototype and has never been made in any capacity. The Mk2 model is available for sale to military and LEO agencies from one of Zaeth's companies.


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