Kuan Yin

Pers File - Observations and Notes  

Name: Kuan Yin Xiang

Aliases: Kuanyin, Mercy, (Nightshade?)

Age: 28

Height: 177cm (5’10”)

Weight: 82kg (180 lb)

Blood type: AB+

Ethnicity: Chinese (Chaoxian/Joseon), Korean-American

    Connections: Ms Yin is linked to the Xiang family of Hope Point’s “Little Asia”. She has mentioned a brother in passing though his whereabouts are currently unknown. She does not appear to have any other connections. It is noted that Ms Yin usually reports promptly for summons, and executes missions when assigned but does not mingle with staff.     Observation: The woman known to Great Hope as Kuan Yin began working for the organization approximately 18 months ago; she divulges little of her background though it is presumably she is of Chinese origin. It is speculated that Ms Yin once had ties to an organization in China called ‘The Syndicate” who are known to have utilized highly trained superhumans to fight against the Titans on Invasion Day. She joined the organization already versed in anti-invader tactics and is known for her efficient execution of them. The woman uses a combination of superpowers, and martial arts, and wields a veritable arsenal of melee and ranged weapons.   Her preferred weapons of choice are a custom-forged high-density alloy katana, telescoping shock batons, wrist darts, and a highly experimental ‘laser’ sniper rifle which utilizes her superpower as ammo.   Note: the power and range of this sniper rifle prove highly effective though inefficient as it seems taxing to Ms Yin. Dr Setzer should be consulted to better improve its efficacy.       Powers: Ms Yin refers to her superpower as Dark Qi manipulation; it seems to utilize an energy that emanates from her usually representative in a purple or deep indigo glow. There may be other abilities Ms Yin has not yet divulged, but the noted and observed powers are as listed below:   Mental Blast: Overwhelms the mind, and causes potentially fatal mental damage to the target.   Mental Stun: Attacks the mind of the target locking them into a vegetative state   Super Sense/Sixth Sense (Invaders): Ms Yin has a sixth sense for invaders, allowing her to sense and track their presence even in high traffic zones. This sense is greatly increased when in the presence of Titans but seems to have diminishing returns as she suffers a higher susceptibility to mental impairing effects from invaders such as the Wraith.   Telepathy: Ms Yin seems to be telepathic on some level. She can communicate words, thoughts, images, and memories via mental connection. It has been observed that she can glean surface thoughts from others' minds as well as connect multiple minds to her own at once. Ms Yin is also capable of providing mental shielding for herself and her party which may boost defense against mental attacks.   Teleportation: Ms Yin can teleport via melting into the shadows; she can currently execute teleports at a relatively low range but can do multiple teleports subsequently so long as she has seen the location before either physically or has been provided an image of the location she is teleporting to. Ms Yin can teleport with others with her up to her maximum carry weight.         Speculation: There is some speculation that Ms. Yin may be the assassin known as “Nightshade” due to the timing of Ms Yin’s arrival at Hope Point and the assassin’s last known trajectory but this is purely conjecture and potentially happenstance as it was noted by one of “Nightshade” few surviving victims that the killer ‘melted into the shadows and vanished’, a similar teleport technique as Ms Yin’s. The villain that terrorized Asia is known to have used poisons, a technique Ms Yin has not utilized in any missions she’s executed under the Great Hope banner. It is speculated that she does have some knowledge of chemistry as she uses a variety of gas and liquid traps that she presumably makes herself.     Assessment: Ms Yin has proven a useful asset to Great Hope and has been granted higher access following her increased relevance within the organization. As an invader detector and a useful fount of information about the invasive species, Ms Yin’s contributions have furthered our attempts to thwart the creatures’ plans. We hope that by grouping her with Team 2, the assault team, we can further anchor her as a member of Great Hope but she has proven to be a loner thus far. Further efforts must be made to incorporate her as a permanent fixture within the organization.         Notes (Provided courtesy of Ace):   [2022.06.28] The woman known currently as “Ms. Yin” was born to an Asian man of mixed ethnic background and a woman who claims China as her homeland. It should be noted that when researching this information, a Xiang KuanYin of Ms Yin’s approximate age could not be found in any family registry database archived before Invasion Day. It is suspected that this is yet another alias.     [2022.10.14] There is evidence to suggest Ms Yin is connected to the Xiang family of Great Hope’s ‘Little Asia’ community. There was a woman of approximately Yin’s height and build seen frequenting Mr Xiang’s domicile; this same woman has been photographed with the old man’s grandson (Xiang Yulong) on a few occasions during covert reconnaissance in the area. Given Ms Yin’s entry into Great Hope was directly connected to the Xiang family, it is surmised the woman in the photos is indeed Ms Yin and not Mr Xiang’s daughter, Xiang Jia Li.     [2022.10.16] Xiang Longwei “Mr Xiang”; 60 year old, also known as the Golden Dragon or “Godfather’ of Little Asia (Longwei - Dragon Greatness) is known to rule the Triad group within the area with an iron fist and a firm sense of duty and honor to the community. Despite it being an illegal group, they have made it their duty to maintain a semblance of order in ‘Little Asia’ and forged a tenuous alliance with the Yakuza sect in the area to oust the other gangs that have tried to muscle into their territory. Mr Xiang is known throughout Great Hope, as the Godfather of Little Asia. There isn’t a family among the local Triad and general community that he hasn’t directly or indirectly helped with money, food or medicine. He’s also been known to help house new refugees and ease tensions when someone’s gone awry of the legal system.   He is a greatly respected figure in the community and when he sent word to the leader of the Yakuza for a tenuous alliance, the first lieutenant was sent to personally greet him and accept the alliance.       [2022.10.14] The Yakuza first lieutenant, a woman named Yakumo Tomiko, but goes by the alias (probably stolen identity) Kawano Ui in Hope Point. Not much is known about them and there are no publically available photographs or videos of them. They're known as a cool head locally, but also absolutely ruthlessly honor-driven and expect their footsoldiers and officers to be the same. She came to the alliance meeting alone and unarmed, a sign of great respect, or great hubris.     [2023.11.2] Ms Yin seems to manifest her mental blasts typically as a variety of blades that never miss; they don’t always do physical damage either, opting instead to do a form of psychic or mental damage to their targets. Further observation is necessary to understand this skill set.     [2024.02.05] Dr. Zaeth has been given the task of ‘upgrading’ Ms Yin’s mysterious sniper rifle. The fact the request was made by her at all shows a sign of trust in the good doctor’s skills.     After examining the rifle’s tech, Dr Zaeth seems genuinely befuddled by it and states as far as he can tell, “It may as well be magic”. Zaeth states he will consult further with Dr. Setzer to ascertain the nature of the weapon and the science behind how it fires its strange energy bullets.  



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