Yama - Gon Po

Pers File - Onboarding Background Check   Begin Record   Gathered Information   Yama (no last name), was born in Dharamshala, India, to a Tibetan family in exile. Not much could be gathered about his family, they don't seem to be of any particular importance to much other than the local area, and Yama himself. Not many digital or physical traces of Yama's past exist outside of India, but some background was aquired by an investigator. Yama spent most of his formative years training in martial arts with Buddhist monks in the mountains that surround his home. He was large even back in his youth, and used his size to great effect to help the local community with various tasks such as construction, farming, and hauling. Yama developed his powers very early into the invasion, after it is reported he returned from a hike, carrying what at the time was a bizarre creature in an extra arm that had not been there before he left. Yama claims he has been blessed by Mahākāla, a shared Hindu and Bhuddist deity, known as the "Protector of the Dharma", and that it was to be his duty to safeguard the people of the world from this new threat. Yama actually approached the organization, once he had ensured that the initial safety of his family and community had been assured, so that he could continue the fight against the quote "demons" (Yama says that this is the closest word in English to his native language), and protect the world. Yama does not drink, and abstains from many vices such as gambling and drug use. He does not hold himself to the standards of the more strict buddhist beliefs on things such as veganism, simply eating a healthy diet to maintain his impressive level of fitness (Testing required to determine if his powers grant this fitness level, or he maintains it irrespecctive of powers). Yama and his current girlfriend live in an apartment in Point Hope, the organization has subsidized this housing to ensure Yama is on-site for easier deployment.   Note:   Yama would prefer if the nature of his employment was kept separate from his private life, any organizational press regarding his activities shoud refer to him as Gon Po, a name local media in India used during his actions back in his hometown. He would also prefer to keep his face hidden for the same reason, and as such, has participated in the creation of a combat suit fitting his role and aesthetic, allowing him to operate unhindered (See bottom of report).   Powers:
  • Body Control: Aside from the most striking being the additional arms Yama can summon apparently at will, Yama can also manifest a literal third eye (related to faith/beliefs? More investigation required) Yama claims opening his third eye allows him to see the invaders better. The results are undenyable, see next item
  • Super Strength: Yama under normal circumstances is already incredibly strong for a baseline human. However, when using his additional limbs, he has been observed to be capable of moving vehicles without much effort. With great effort, it was noted he was capable of lifting large vehicles such as trucks, and carrying them overhead.
  • Super Speed: Yama has been recorded moving far faster than normal human body limits, catapulting himself forward with his limbs, and able to cross small bodies of water, or traverse vertical surfaces under certain circumstances
  • Super Senses: Yama can "sense" the invaders to a degree, but is also able to process information at an above average rate when moving at super-human speeds
  • Burrowing/Tunneling - Yama has been able to punch through constructed dirt and sand berms without any hesistation. Earthwork obstructions are no match for his speed, although stronger fortifications required a bit more brutal approach (see below)

  • Testing   Yama was willing to participate in some calibrative testing to determine the strength of his abilities. What follows are the results.   Age: 26 (b. 23 July 1997)   Weight 118kg (260 lbs)   Height 198cm (6' 6")   Blood Type: A Positive   Remaining medical data removed for brevity, see medical report
      Strength Test 1: Standard 50lb Kettlebell weight   Yama was requested to pick up the kettlebell. As expected it was not a challenge. What was not expected, however, was him being capable of using his pinky finger to do so. Yama was then asked to throw the kettlebell. It was fortunate that said testing was conducted at the outdoors fitness facility, as when Yama asked "How far?", the tester present replied "As far as possible." Yama threw the kettlebell "shot-put" style, and it proceeded to clear the bounds of the football field, sailing into the parking lot, and damaging the pavement. To prevent incidents such as this in the future, test conductors shall be briefed on the capabilities of supers posessing extraordinary strength.   Strength Test 2: 2 Tonne Concrete Security Block   A forklift was used to maneuver the block into the testing area. Yama was instructed to pick up the block, and did so without issue. A second block proved somewhat more difficult, but was able to be lifted without much incident, although some straining was noted. Yama proceeded to ask if the testing team "needed some help returning the blocks".   Power Test 1: Concrete Wall   After some above-average strength tests, it was decided to forgo the easier tests of power and striking, and instead a test was fabricated for Yama specifically. He was instructed to begin seated, and as quickly as possible, clear a small obstacle course, and hit the concrete wall, where a bulls-eye target was painted on a foam pad attached to the wall. The testing team is to be commended for using a portable barrier instead of the facility wall, because Yama was capable of completing the test in incredibly short time (sub 2 seconds), and the seismic sensors attached to the concrete wall had a reading of 25.6MJ of energy upon Yama punching the wall. For reference, the 120mm main cannon of the M1 Abrams can deliver approximately 28.6MJ of energy, or the physical equivalent of 14lbs of TNT. Indeed, it was found that the wall could not be completely reconstructed after the attack, showing that Yama was capable of vaporizing the concrete.  
      Durability Test 1: Striking -> Small Arms Fire   Yama was surprisingly excited for this test, willing to show off his durability to the lab scientists. Blunt instruments were first used, such as baseball bats, as well as bladed weapons such as swords and knives. None seemed to phase Yama, not even going so far as to draw blood. Yama was willing to be shot at for this test, so various firearms were procured from security lock-up, and fired at Yama. The utilized calibers were as follows:  
  • 9mm Parabellum,
  • 5.56 NATO,
  • 12ga 3 1/2" 00 buckshot,
  • 12ga 3 1/2" rifled slug,
  • .338 Lapua Magnum,
  • .50 BMG (AP and HE)
  • 14.5x114mm Russian (AP and HE)
  • 20x102mm (AP and HE)
  •   Testing was stopped short of aquiring a Bradley IFV to test with the M242 Bushmaster's 25x137 ammunition, as concerns were raised that the testing lab did not have sufficient backstop for the round (Note: get DU backstop liner for lab). Yama remained unharmed despite the onslaught of ammunition.
        Combat Suit:  
      The organization has collaborated with Yama to design a suit to his liking, both embracing his cultural heritage, while allowing to hide his face. This suit also has numerous technical advances permitting the use of superfluous limb growth without any hampering, and integrates ballistic protection, although as stated above, it is likely not required for things such as small arms (ha-ha) fire.


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