Assault of Nost Vāliter Military Conflict in [bioluminescent] | World Anvil
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Assault of Nost Vāliter

The Conflict


The year 43609 UTD saw the start of a drought which lasted three years and which led to famine. The Arinean population declined as a result of the lack of food, and effort and resources were focused towards trying to continue supplying food to the people. Thus, the military and defence systems were neglected and became depleted of both materials and resources and soldiers.

The drought also affected Drette, although to a lesser (or at the very least a less noticeable) degree. Drette is an arid country, and the drought significantly increased this dryness. The Drettens were looking for greener fields in which to produce food, and saw opportunities in the Nost Vāliter region which is north of Lake Eglens and which was, at the time, under control of the Arinean Kingdom.


Struggling farmers accompanied by trained soldiers of the Dretten army, and even some mercenaries, staked out the unused land they wanted for their own. When the Arineans heard of this encroachment into their borders, the Arinean army and any abled man was mustered to defend the territory.


The land was dry and there was no water in the creeks, and there were very little provisions available because of the famine, making it hard to keep the Arinean army well-supplied. Nost Vāliter was also an unused wasteland and, as such, there were no roads to ease travel through the region.

The Engagement

The Drettens had already set up several posts by the time the Arinean army arrived, so the Arineans had to fight on multiple sides and fronts in order to uphold their territorial claim. The Drettens, less affected by the drought and used to inhospitable land, were at an advantage. The disputed land was unused by the Arineans so, rather than waste resources and suffer loss of life, the Arineans decided to abandon the effort and accept defeat.


Because the Arineans were unprepared and ill-equipped, they were unable to effectively enforce their control and retain their land. As such, Nost Vāliter is now within Dretten borders and is now controlled by Drette.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Drettens are victorious and annex Nost Vāliter


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