Wrey occlusion Physical / Metaphysical Law in [bioluminescent] | World Anvil
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Wrey occlusion


When a particular Ofēlūs 'dies' (the mycelium lives on but the mushtree itself has decayed), its connection to Wrey is severed and it can no longer be used as a portal between the two dimensions.


Wrey occlusion only affects individual Ofēlūs mushtrees, rather than the entirety of the ofēlūs mycelial network all at once. However, if the mycelial network were to die, so would the mushtrees, and their corresponding connections to Wrey would consequently be severed.
(It is important to note that since mushtrees are the fruiting bodies of Arboreomorph species, it's like if an apple fell off the apple tree; the apple no longer recieves nutrients from the tree, but the other apples still on the tree still recieve nutrients and, likewise, the tree doesn't stop providing nutrients to the remaining apples just because one apple fell off.)

Ofēlūsle that have a Wrey Point carved into their stipe have a stronger connection to Wrey than those that do not, so the occlusion is actually delayed and the Wrey Point is still functional for a period of time after the Ofēlūs is already significantly decayed. When the occlusion does finally occur, the glowing of the inscriptions dims and dies out.


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