Lance of Calypse
A hybrid weapon meant for both mounted and unmounted combat. Its Thorium construction gives it tremendous heft, an intricate rune lays upon its blade, empowering it with a burning vengeance. During the events of the Cycle of Hatred, the Blood of Martyrs encountered the Firelord 'Calypse'. They eventually came upon an agreement in which he would grant them a weapon that would lead them to the object of their search, should they agree to burn his enemies to ash in return. Even after the defeat of Calypse, their hateful vengeance lives on in the Lance, to wield it is a constant battle with madness as the Lance demands more destruction, more anger--insidiously twisting its user over time. Those who desire the Lance for its power to destroy will find themselves most quickly consumed by it as they indulge in its vengeful flames.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild