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Blinded by Freedom

[Time of occurrence: 0 AM]

Pitaya was launched backwards as a bright burst of blue energy crashed into him. He flew a few hundred feet before crashing into a building behind him. Disoriented, Pitaya began to try and regain his senses. His ears were ringing and his vision blurry. However, as he came to, he heard the muffled sound of a voice echoing throughout the land.

“Do not be afraid, walkers of the Material Plane. I have heard your cries of pain and am here to guide you. No longer will you suffer under tyranny, for now you're all free.” Pitaya looked to the sky to see what can only be described as an angel descending from the heavens. She was silhouetted by the sun, now visible after all the clouds were blown away. Pitaya couldn’t help but stare in awe. Then, as quicky as the figure came, she vanished, flapping her huge angel wings and taking to the sky. White feathers fluttered down all across the world as she soared higher and higher before disappearing into the sky. Pitaya could already guess her destination and decided to head there as well. In a flash, Pitaya snapped his fingers and vanished into a whirlwind.

Pitaya’s whirlwind appeared on an infinite cloudy landscape. Pitaya walked out of it, gazing at the glistening sight before him. Home. Creamy whitish gold clouds stretched in all directions, creating infinite landscapes, sculptures, and buildings of which one could explore and do anything they wanted. White figures roamed around, chatting, exploring, and having fun with their friends and families. Millions of these white figures representing the souls that made it to life’s final destination: Reveri, the paradise in the clouds. Here, one can do anything, create anything, and spend the rest of eternity having fun and exploring this infinite, ever changing paradise.

Pitaya walks through the various worlds until he reaches Reveri’s center, Mesocarp, Kiwano’s residence. Mesocarp is a huge dome-like structure that spans miles in all directions. Inside it is said to be a peaceful place of reflection filled with gardens, fountains, and an unlimited supply of wisdom. Only one who could live an eternity would be able to absorb all of Mesocarp’s knowledge. Pitaya enters the dome and continues walking through it until he reaches its center. A huge plaza surrounded in shrubbery and vines with a sunroof overhead. And at its center sits Kiwano on his Throne of Time. A massive, white stoned chair engraved with carvings that depict the history of the entire world, forever updating and shifting. Even sitting, Kiwano towers over the garden. In his godly form it is estimated he is dozens of feet tall.

Pitaya approaches his father and sees the angelic figure already standing before him. Kiwano turns his head towards Pitaya and speaks, his voice booming throughout the dome.

“Pitaya. Come, we were just getting started.” Pitaya walks over next to the angel. He looks her up and down, then goes “So, just who are you exactly?” The angel looks down and looks as if she’s about to say something but Kiwano interjects. “Pitaya, this is your new sister. Moya, the Goddess of Freedom.” Moya smiles and waves. “Nice to meet you! I’ve heard a lot about you.” Pitaya gives a small wave and turns back towards his father, then goes “So, what is this all about? Why another god? Why now?”

“We were just getting to that.” Kiwano says. “Moya will take over the job of managing the Material Plane for you. That way, you can-“

“Wait what?!” Pitaya interjects. “Father, you can’t be serious. I have managed the Material Plane for centuries, keeping it in balance all this time. That’s my job!”

“It is; however, you have let the concept of balance corrupt you.” Kiwano responds. “For the better half of a century you have been running around tormenting innocent mortals and for what? Balance? The idea of balance is to keep the amount of living and dead relatively equal. To keep the natural order of the land in che-“

“Which I have been doing!!” Pitaya shouts.

“Let me finish!!!!” Kiwano’s voice booms and shakes the dome. Kiwano sighs. “Yes, you have been doing that, and a fine job I must say. However, you have been corrupted by balance, nitpicking it to the point where it comes down to a single soul. It doesn’t have to be exact Pitaya; the term balance is relative. As long as the powers of the natural world are in check the world is in “balance.”” Pitaya starts to say something but is cut off by Kiwano. “And another thing. Moya here tells me you have been tormenting people and making them kill one another? I had heard some similar things from souls here, but I assumed it was just a rumor. Is this true son?”

“Wh- how does Moya even know of that she only got born like an hour ago!” Pitaya stammers out.

“Moya is an accumulation of people’s feelings and yearning of freedom. A little piece of everyone resides within her, as do some of their memories and feelings towards you. And how sad is that? The fact that I was able to create a goddess with nothing but a collective hatred and longing to be free of you?” Pitaya has no words. He just stands there, fuming with rage. “So, Pitaya,” Kiwano continues. “Would you like to explain why you were so adamant about making people kill each other instead of, god forbid, you do it yourself or simply not have anyone do it at all? Please, explain to Moya why you did it. If you won’t, I will.” Pitaya continues to stand there. He turns to Moya, head tilted down and mutters “iwaslazy.”

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you Pitaya.” Kiwano says.

“I was lazy!!!! Alright?! It’s easier to judge one’s soul when gods don’t interfere directly. That way technically their emotions and decisions are their own, even if they’re persuaded a little bit the decision is ultimately up to them. Plus! I thought that if I could get people to kill each other naturally know. Less interference. More...natural..balance...etcetera...”

“So, it finally comes out. Almost a full century of tormenting mortal lives simply to make it easier on yourself. Pathetic.” Pitaya clenches his fists and looks down. "Would have been fine if those damn desert people kept their word." he mutters. Kiwano ignores him and continues. “So, as of this point forward, Moya will walk the Material Plane with the mortals and tend to her duties. Pitaya, you are still allowed to do the same, however, you shall not torment innocent lives any longer. Understand?” Pitaya says nothing.

“Understand?” Kiwano says, louder this time.

“Yes father.” Pitaya mutters.

“Good. Moya, I’m sure you have a general idea of your duties since you’re a collection of everyone’s wishes and wills?”

“Indeed. I have already started planning out my next steps.” Moya responds.

“Excellent.” Kiwano says. “Feel free to come to me if you have any concerns or questions. Family meeting dismissed.” Moya and Pitaya begin walking out of Mesocarp, a bitter silence between them. As they reach the exit to the dome, Moya goes “Hey, um Pitaya. Sorry about how things went back there. I know things have been…a little rough for you, being the only one managing the Material Plane. But I hope I can be of help! I have lots to learn from you yet after all.” Pitaya says nothing. “Pitaya, look. You might have messed up in the past but maybe this could be a turning point. I believe that everyone is capable of change. You can correct your mistakes and better yourself. I for one don’t think less of you Pitaya, and I don’t hate you.”

Pitaya slowly turns towards Moya and solemnly goes “Yeah, well, from what I’ve been hearing it seems like you should.” Then Pitaya vanishes into a whirlwind, leaving Moya there alone.

From there onwards Moya’s influence began to spread as the world was slowly filled with hope and freedom. Peace returned to the once gloomy world as Pitaya watched everything, he had worked so hard to build crumble before him. And day by day, night by night, Pitaya judged souls fairly without any intervention. With this new balance in the world everything was at peace; normal for the first time in a long while. Until one fateful day when the heavens came crashing down, literally.

Pitaya sat in Exodus, a gloomy barren void containing nothing but his throne and a single light shining dimly from above. Why are mortals so complicated? Pitaya thought as the next soul was summoned before him. “W- where am I?” The blue skinned oblong man says. Pitaya sighs, then goes “Surst Romming. Age 31. Cause of death: getting kicked in the chest by his own horse. Tragic. Now you will be judged based on your life’s decisions and actions.” Pitaya waves his hand as hundreds of orbs appear around them, each depicting a different moment of Surst’s life. Pitaya gazes into them all at once. “Oh, it looks like you were a follower of mine at one point yeah?” Surst looks embarrassed, and goes “Oh uh, yeah. But that was BM me, when I was younger and foolish.”

“BM you? The hell does that mean?”

“Oh, you know, BM and AM. Before Moya and After Moya. Marks the points in time Moya existed and the time she didn’t.”

“They categorize history based of my sister now?”

“Well yeah, I mean why wouldn’t they? She’s so sweet and pretty and fair…” Surst dreamily looks upwards. Then snaps back to reality as Pitaya goes “And it seems in your more recent life you converted to be a follower of hers, correct?”

“Oh, for sure. Why wouldn’t I be? She’s better tha…” Surst stops himself.

“No, go on. Say it.”

“Pitaya I didn’t mean-“

“No. Say it. Say what you really think.”

“Well, she…. she’s fairer than you. And prettier, and smarter, and more loving, and nicer...” Surst continues talking almost like he’s in a trance, completely forgetting Pitaya sits before him. Surst quickly stops himself. Surst looks back at pitaya, who just sits there, yellow eyes glowing, staring at him. “P- Pitaya I’m sorry I-“

“No no, it’s completely fine. I get it.” Pitaya says through clenched teeth.

“You’re not mad?”

“No…why would I be?” Pitaya says, tensing up more.

“Well I mean, she like, took away all your land and well pretty much everything you had built to this point an-“

“I CAN’T PUT UP THIS CHARADE ANY LONGER” Pitaya shouts as he summons his scythe and begins to summon a whirlwind. “I WILL get back what I created!!!” Surst stands there trembling.

“U- um…. Does that mean I’m free to go?” He squeaks out.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, one second.”

“I’m going to Reveri?” Surst says starting to smile.

“What? Oh no no no. You killed a child when you were 16.”

“B- but you tricked me into doing it!!!"

“Sorry Surst, rules are rules.” Pitaya swings his scythe and cuts Surth in half, resurrecting his soul as a new person as Pitaya vanishes into a whirlwind.

“FATHER!” Pitaya yells as he storms into Mesocarp. He walks up to his father who simply looks down at him.

“Pitaya, what can I help you with?”

“Father, I want my domain back. I want the Material Plane under my control again.”

“And what makes you think you deserve it?”

“I- just look at the state of the world! While sure, yes, before I made.. a few mistakes running it but at least it was better than this. Day after day I hear Moya this, Moya that, it isn’t fair!”

“Gee, it’s almost like people don’t like you after you tormented them for so long.”

“But father, Moya has taken everything from me!! Everything I worked so hard to make right! I’m not just going to stand by while I work like hell and she’s out walking the Mateial Plane, frolicking, partying, getting it on with some hot-“

“ENOUGH!” Kiwano’s voice explodes and echoes throughout the entire dome, shaking and cracking it slightly. At this point a small crowd of souls has gathered around the central garden out of curiosity. Kiwano stands from his throne, this massive figure dozens of feet tall and glares down at Pitaya. “For my sake Pitaya get it together! Throwing a temper tantrum in front of your father out of jealousy? You’re a god Pitaya, act like one. Now get out. There are more souls to judge.”

“Fine.” Pitaya says. “If you won’t listen to my words, then I challenge you to a fight.”

“Excuse me?”

“If I win, you must grant any one request I give.”

“Your arrogance seems to have gotten the best of you Pitaya. Do you forget who I am?”

"Fight me father!" Pitaya's words echoed throughout the chamber. Kiwano stared down at him, glaring.

Kiwano gives a reluctant sigh. "Very well. If this is what it has come to, then so be your fate." Without warning Kiwano raises his hands as lightning strikes and his hammer is summoned. He grasps it then immediately begins swinging it downwards towards Pitaya. Pitaya looked in horror as the heavens came down upon him. Body stiff, rigid with shock and fear. There was no escape; this was his fate, and it was he himself who sealed it. Pitaya summons his scythe to block, but it's too late. With a huge explosion of light and energy the hammer crushes Pitaya into the ground. The dome explodes as a burst of energy is sent in all directions. As the dust settles Kiwano lifts his hammer, revealing nothing but hold in the ground.

Meanwhile on the Material Plane, Moya is taking a stroll through The Amber Wildlife Preserve, a beautiful natural area with walking paths and campsites. It’s a beautiful day out, the temperature is perfect, and the birds are singing in harmony. Everything is in perfect tranquility until a boom that rumbles the land explodes from the sky. It sounds as if thousands of cannons were shot off at once. Moya looks to the sky to see a figure plummeting through the clouds. They land in a nearby mountain range with a huge crash. Quickly, Moya summons her wings to go and investigate. She flies to the mountain range to discover quite the scene. Pitaya had crashed face first into the top of a mountain, destroying a good quarter of it. Where the peak once stood is nothing more than rubble and a crater of which Pitaya lies in its center.

“Pitaya!” Moya rushes to Pitaya. He’s barely conscious. His face is messed up from the fall, though the damage looks healable, all except his eyes. When he fell, he must have impaled them directly on some rocks. Blood starts pooling around him as lighting strikes nearby. Moya looks over to see Kiwano floating above them, now in his smaller human form.

“Pitaya.” Kiwano goes. “For your foolishness and inability to learn from your mistakes, I hereby banish you to Exodus for the next five hundred years. Until that time is up you may not have any connection to the outside world. You will be completely isolated with nothing to do besides your duties as the god of judgement. Maybe then you can reflect on your recent actions. Goodbye, son.” Kiwano begins raising his hand to teleport Pitaya away.

“Father wait!” Moya shouts. “Don’t you think that’s a little too harsh?”

From the rubble Pitaya mutters “I don…t need you..standing up for…m..e. bitnch….”

“He's been acting like a child.” Kiwano goes. “And fittingly I’m placing him in a time out.”

“But father,” Moya says. “I’m not sure completely isolating him is the best option. He’ll just dig deeper into his own head, stuck with his own thoughts. That won’t make him better, in fact it might make matters worse.”

“What would you propose then?”

“Well…what if he could still get information about the outside world through the eyes of others? Like, he can continue to read other people’s memories when he judges them. That way he can stay up to date on the world in a way.”

“Interesting….I accept this.”

“Oh, and also I’d…” Moya looks over to Pitaya, who’s now passed out. “I want to visit him every once in a while?”

“Why do you stand up for him? He’s been terrible to you.”

“I know but I…I want to try and help him. He’s hurt and angry. I’m hoping we can clear any misunderstandings…maybe it will help.”

“You’re too kind Moya. Fine. I will allow you to visit your brother once a month.” Kiwano looks towards Pitaya. “I really hope you can help him Moya.”

“Me too….”

Kiwano extends his hand towards Pitaya. “Until we meet next, goodbye son.” As Pitaya is teleported to Exodus, where he will remain for the next half a millennia.        
(Events and details in this story are based off of real life, however the specifics are purely fiction and speculation. Thank you for reading.)      
  • Written by Rye Challah

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